Yes it could kill the battery in some cases. In the end is a full LND node on your phone :) What you should do:
  1. In settings go and find the option to compact DB. See here the FAQ section:. This will reduce dramatically the use of your battery.
  2. Do not leave Blixt in persistent mode if you do not really need it. Yes, Blixt can run 24/7 like any other LN node if you activate that option. But being a private mobile node, not always you need it online.
When do you need it online 24/7 ?
  • if you are a small shop using it as a PoS to charge in sats and you need fast sync and ready to receive
  • if you use a lot the LN Box (LN address provided by Blixt) and you want to stay online to receive.
  • if you are making several payments in one day, let's say you are going on shopping spree and want to have fast instant payments (no waiting for sync).
Otherwise there's no need to keep it in persistent mode. The neutrino and graph sync could take just few moments if you already sync it a previous day.
Thanks for this excellent reply. I knew who to ask😀 One more question: The reason I chose persistent is because I was afraid that if my channels remain inactive for a day or so, or if they repeatedly switch from active to inactive, the peers would be more likely to close the channel. Is this true or not?
No problem with going offline for few days. Remember this is a private node, not a routing node. Those channels will be closed by your peers ONLY if for a long period of time you do not have any activity in/out and most of the balance is on THEIR side (it means they kept funds locked doing nothing).
if they repeatedly switch from active to inactive
That is valid ONLY for public routing nodes.
FWIW I've seen nodes leave channels open for literally months even when the node has been entirely inactive.
The Lightning protocol itself has no specific time limits on channels. They can remain open indefinitely as long as both sides choose not to close them.
Thanks. That's a big help. No more persistent mode.