Good one. I can't find it now, but few years ago I saw a video of a guy, during the plan-demic, he created a PMA for his coffee bar and accepted only registered members from his local community. People that agreed to join his PMA were allowed to enter, all others... don't.
  • he had a constant flow of private customers
  • never closed his bar
  • when the police thugs came at his door, they found a nice paper saying: "only private members are allowed to enter. You do not have any jurisdiction in this private property".
Simple as that.
when the police thugs came at his door, they found a nice paper saying: "only private members are allowed to enter. You do not have any jurisdiction in this private property".
and then what happened, they just left? 👀
yes. no jurisdiction on a private property. Yes, there were some isolated incidents when the thugs were entering with force, but now they are convicted to 5-8 years of prison for violating private property.
it sounds like if anything commercial wise, you can do it under the PMA instead of registering any companies under any jurisdictions?
and how things worked between them if they transact with fiat money, I mean things are so much easier with Bitcoin now.
exactly that Lux was trying to explain
will be your citadel a PMA?
No, why would I need a PMA for a place where I live in peace, just for myself? Do I engage in commerce or something? No. PMA is only when you want to run a private business.