this seed crystal logic is so crazy
Although I have a hard time imagining all of earths atmosphere is the source of these seed crystals. And that they are unable to create an absolutely sterile environment from it. Theoretically they should only have to create their target seed crystals once, right? Idk, what do I know
Based on reading about this issue I think one way to get around this problem has been to create an absolutely sterile environment. It's just really difficult and expensive.
Exactly. And you'd have to keep it sterile even after creating it. Which is even more impractical.
Yeah, I have a hard time wrapping my head around it.
My guess is that, even though they might be able to create a target crystal in a clean room, as soon as it starts being distributed around to customers, it can suffer from contamination from a single seed in the environment that triggers the transformation from the whole target crystal into the patented more stable crystal.
This peer-reviewed article goes into more detail, but I don't have time to read it. In the Wikipedia page you cited it also mentions that some people believed it to be junk science or alchemy.