What I am saying is "ADHD" is something drug companies made up to make you feel shitty about yourself. It's not you. It's the world. There is no need for that label. Labels in general are damaging. Every time you say "my ADHD" you are owning something that you don't have to. If I were to go to a doctor, they would come up with all types of labels for me. I think I am awesome. But I don't fit in. So be it. I love being "different".. turns out we all are. And it's beautiful. Don't let that shit hold you back.
Of course that is just my perspective. And I aim to be loving only. I have been labeled many ways and I have grown to let go of it so I encourage others to do the same. But really I have no idea. That's just how I feel.
Thanks for the words, I understand the labels thing, and I personally hate it as well, but I own my ADHD, it's a condition, same as OCD, BPD, BD, and any other that happens at the brain structure level.
If you are willing to change your opinion on the matter, take a look at the How To ADHD Youtube Channel by Jessica McCabe, she's been a lot of help for my and my girl at understanding myself and why none of the things that work for ADHD people work on me, great content btw.
I also would say that many people today are self-dignosing ADHD because the symptoms are too general sometimes, but one thing is having a period where you can't function properly and another is having the condition interfering with your life constantly, specially work life.