My best friend is a graduated anesthesiologist, he works in a public hospital... and on occasions we have talked about his daily life and the experiences he lives and what happens to him with patients. It is not easy at all because practicing that profession is 20% knowledge and 80%. % the responsibility that it implies... and that responsibility depends on those few ml that the professional can place more or less at the time of the patient's sleep and perform some operation... those who wake up often do so with side effects such as intense pain headache... or blindness or no taste in your mouth... and the truth is that some do not wake up... cases where the dose was not correct and the anesthesia led to the death of the patient... and the first thing they do is directly the legal actions against the anesthesiologist... the truth is a quite complex issue and as can be seen in the article it remains a mystery as to what its true effect really is...