There seems to be simultaneous issues affecting: (a) CrowdStrike failed update that is forcing Windows Servers into a blue-screen boot loop, and (b) An outage of Azure (not sure if this is same issue or different issues).
However, reports are coming in that Banks, Airlines, Grocery Stores, etc worldwide are down.
Live Updates Streaming from BBC:
This is bullish for blockchain and POW, once you cant swap your bank account you will remember CORN !
Major airlines, media organizations, businesses and police forces around the world are currently being affected by a massive information technology glitch caused by a problem with Microsoft cloud computing services early Friday.
Flights have been grounded in several countries and stores and broadcasters in several countries went offline as the outage affected Windows PCs.
Major carriers, including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, all issued ground stops Friday morning citing communications issues. Delta has ordered a “global ground stop,”.
Debugging what happened in C++
Tick, Tock, Next Block
Conspiracy theorists might think Whitney Webb was right.
The cyber pandemic thing. Like Covid will happen. Anyone that pays attention to cyber security can see how likely it is. I don't know about it being done by WEF like group but it's very likely
Conspiracy empiricists
If you ignore me, you ignore science!
From my friend:
The CrowdStrike outage that resulted in a 10% decline in their stock price today and Biden declaring that he's staying in the race put a cherry on top of what has been the most amazing political week in recent memory.
It really has been a hell of a week. I actually ran out of popcorn today
Remember CrowdStrike from 2016:
Consider as well the speed of the political hacking investigation, followed by a lack of skepticism, culminating in a rush to judgment. After the Democratic committee discovered the potential hack last spring, it called in the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike in May to analyze the problem.
CrowdStrike took just a month or so before it conclusively determined that Russia’s FSB, the successor to the KGB, and the Russian military intelligence organization, GRU, were behind it. Most of the other major cybersecurity firms quickly fell in line and agreed. By October, the intelligence community made it unanimous.
FBI: DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers
The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke.
The DNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment by CNN. But President-elect Donald Trump cited Thursday’s news to hit Democrats, tweeting, “So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?”
Does no one remember that CrowdStrike was the cyber security company paid millions by the DNC to claim Russia hacked their computers? And Russia hacked Hillary and John Podesta's emails?
Seth Rich leaked that DNC, Podesta, Hillary private server info. And they killed him for it.
Yes. This is THAT CrowdStrike
Using Brave search AI...
CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was involved in the investigation of the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack. However, its connection to Seth Rich, a murdered DNC staffer, has sparked controversy and conspiracy theories.
FBI's Possession of Seth Rich's Laptop
In 2022, the FBI was ordered to produce records related to Seth Rich's laptop, which was seized by the agency after his murder in 2016. The FBI initially withheld three reports produced by CrowdStrike in August 2016 regarding the purported hack of the DNC. The reports were later released, but their contents remain classified.
CrowdStrike's Role
CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack, and its findings concluded that Russian government hackers were responsible. The firm's report identified two hacking operations, Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, with strong connections to the Russian government.
Conspiracy Theories
Some conspiracy theorists have linked CrowdStrike to Seth Rich's murder, claiming that the firm was involved in a cover-up to conceal the true extent of Russian interference in the 2016 election. These theories suggest that Rich, who was aware of the hack, was silenced to prevent him from revealing the truth.
Factual Context
Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, and his laptop was seized by the FBI. CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack, and its report concluded that Russian hackers were responsible. The FBI has not publicly released any evidence linking CrowdStrike to Seth Rich's murder or the hack. The FBI's withholding of CrowdStrike's reports was attributed to privacy concerns and the need for further review.
Key Takeaways
CrowdStrike was involved in the investigation of the 2016 DNC hack, but its connection to Seth Rich's laptop and murder remains unclear. Conspiracy theories surrounding CrowdStrike's role have been debunked by lack of evidence and factual inconsistencies. The FBI's possession of Seth Rich's laptop and its withholding of CrowdStrike's reports remain under investigation and review.
Factual Context Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, and his laptop was seized by the FBI. CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack, and its report concluded that Russian hackers were responsible. The FBI has not publicly released any evidence linking CrowdStrike to Seth Rich's murder or the hack. The FBI's withholding of CrowdStrike's reports was attributed to privacy concerns and the need for further review.
Key Takeaways Conspiracy theories surrounding CrowdStrike's role have been debunked by lack of evidence and factual inconsistencies.
Wait, what? I see nothing in the factual context which "debunks" anything.
It's almost like "debunked" is the probabilistically most likely word after "conspiracy", and that's why AI will just always say conspiracies are "debunked"
I’m glad you noticed
I have a collection of Tin Foil Hats 🎩 that say America 🇺🇸 First!
it's his Iwo Jima photo
He was fired
The timestamp of his photo is 2:39 AM PST
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 19 Jul
Happening in Australia. Banks, flights and media all having issues.
Bitcoin seems to be working as usual.
This is quite bad as you can probably only fix this by having access to the physical device (except probably virtual cloud servers). Holy shit.
Yes, most servers do include some sort of remote management interface (ie. ILOM, etc), so you can access server remotely as if you were in front of it....however its going to be fixing these issues one at a time....and there are companies reporting 50k+ machines offline.
Some corporate desktops support vPro - which is a similar remote management interface.
However the manual fix is stymied if hard drive is encrypted.
So best case is manual fix takes ~10 mins per device (but you need either physical access or access to remote interface).... so a company with 50,000 affected machines will be 500,000 minutes for repair time....
Its a shitshow!
You can probably do some automation and bring down the time to fix it but even then its horrible.
I guess everyone working in an affected corp will be a sysadmin for a day :)
I guess everyone working in an affected corp will be a sysadmin for a day :)
I was thinking the exact same thing. Probably quickest automation is to type out one-page step-by-step instructions and enlist every random corporate cubicle worker as mechanical turks to fix.
the question is how to send the instructions to the worker. By fax? :)
I've actually been there.
After doing a few by hand I thought, "I can write a Perl script for this." So I did. That's how I got through it.
Windows 10 was released in 2015
Not an attack, one of Crowdstrike’s developers fucked up lol
Windows Bluescreen and Boot Loops (update: caused by a Crowdstrike update)
The corporate world is now divided into two categories: 1. Software-savvy companies that run on Linux or BSD variants, occasionally providing macOS to their employees. These include companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, and many others. 2. Companies that are not software-focused, as it's not their primary business. These organizations are left with Microsoft's offerings, paying for licenses and dealing with slow and insecure software.
The main advantage of Microsoft's products is the Office suite: Excel, Word and Powerpoint but even Word is actually mediocre.
Southwest has been unaffected because it uses Windows 3.1
This feels like a bugle post
If Chesterton's Fence ain't broke, don't fix it
People still using Windows in 2024?
Yes, and Office360 lol. And normies pay for this shit.
Corporations and governments too
Yup, you reap what you sow.... smh Mainframe is bad, let's move critical system to the Cloud. "There is no cloud, just someone else's computer..." lol
Windows 10 was released in 2015
I like Linux as much as the next guy but I'm not sure how you can work in a corporate environment and expect the day-to-day to function without running Windows on end user machines.
Nothing in the "corporate world" actually needs Windows. Office is a Web app at this point.
It's not just the Office Suite, although those are very important, it's running the Line Of Business app that was written a decade ago or professional tools like MATLAB or Crystal Reports
This also discounts the abilities of ActiveDirectory, unless you're running Chromebooks nothing comes close to the orchestration power of AD.
I asked AI what was going on and that's what I got.... :-)
In a world where servers crash and burn, Today's CrowdStrike outage took a turn. A lesson learned, a tale to tell, Of Microsoft's OS ringing the death knell.
Oh, how the careless trust in vain, A system prone to endless pain. Production dreams now dashed and frayed, By blue screens and patches, forever delayed.
"Switch to Linux!" the wise ones cry, Where stability reigns, let troubles fly. No more the heartache, no more the dread, Of waking to find your server dead.
Let this be a beacon, a guiding light, From today's dark outage, emerge in the right. Choose wisely now, embrace the new, Linux awaits, strong and true.
... well, maybe there is lesson somewhere n there... (naa, they gonna keep using that crap forever)
Why do people not use Linux more?
Even the court systems were affected by this. Many cases and things were not accessible until this afternoon.
Suffered myself! But fortunate that flight got delayed only 25 minutes and was not cancelled!
Umm it seems
What a funny world we live in! The biggest of the biggest cab also fail! Thought more funny is the flood of memes about the outage!
Crowdstrike has also acknowledged the issue in a recent support page where it states that the recent crashes on Windows are related to problems with the Falcon sensor. It stated, "CrowdStrike is aware of reports of crashes on Windows hosts related to the Falcon Sensor.
"Symptoms include hosts experiencing a bugcheck \ blue screen error related to the Falcon Sensor. Our Engineering teams are actively working to resolve this issue and there is no need to open a support ticket." the company added
Meanwhile, another user on Reddit also suggested a possible solution to the issue, stating, “Update: Can confirm the below stops the BSOD Loop. Go into CMD from recovery options. change to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers. Rename Crowdstrike to Crowdstrike_Fucked. Start windows. Its not great but at least that means we can get some windows back..."
No central point of failure!
In a post on X, CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said that the outages were due to a “defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.” He added that “this is not a security incident or cyberattack” and that “the issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed.”
A major worldwide tech outage, believed to have been caused by a flawed anti-viral update from US cyber security company CrowdStrike, has plunged many of the world's largest companies into crisis and prevented Australian newsrooms from publishing the news.
This looks like the beginning of an end for Microsoft as the world can't tolerate such a big outage!
Have a great day
Yep keep going we want further ❤️❤️
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.