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All the Dems have to do is pick anyone under 65 and they will win. The only reason no one has noticed Trump’s mental decline is because he never made much sense anyway. A magic 8 ball has a more cohesive thought process than the orange man.
All the Dems have to do is pick anyone under 65 and they will win.
Do you really think that? They haven't had time to build up a candidate for months. And Trump is polling really really good at the moment.
The only reason no one has noticed Trump’s mental decline is because he never made much sense anyway.
I agree that he has a tendency to spit nonsense. But has he declined yet? Are you sure?
she really is the stupidest primitive moron of all
Sounds like a perfect fit!
at least Trump should be immune to the accusation of the left-wing mainstream press that he's too old
Hypocrisy never stopped them before
my favorite is stochastic terrorism
When I thought about it a minute later I knew I was joking
Why would anyone believe that age is the deciding factor over the real issues that divide the country? Trump may not make policy sense to you, but he speaks without drifting off into mumbling incoherent words. That was the problem with Biden.
This election will be decided on border and economic (inflation) issues, both of which are monopolized by Trump.
Kamala will be 60 in October
Harris issued a statement on Sunday saying she is "honored to have the President's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination."
And of what age?
lol late
I’m responding to the comment above the nominee being under 65
I think TomK thought 60 was her IQ.
I f..cked up the joke. Sorry, but I got up at 2.45 a.m. to get a plane and I am completely eaten up.
Thanks for the assist
you have no idea what it means when the deep state fights a candidate in this way, do you?
There is no such thing as a deep state in the US
There is
Naive SN community
Naive thinking there isn't a shadow government
Are you confusing Illuminati with deep state?
Deep state consists of permanent unelected career government employees especially in CIA, NSA, military, State Dept, Defense Dept and similar
Oh sorry, I forgot. Need to reboot instantly
The deep state has taken over the GOP as well. The issue is no one seems to acknowledge that the Tech/Data/Surveillance industry/three letter agencies are the actual deep state. Instead they view is as some abstract concepts of the deep state instead of what it actually is. It's why Musk purchased Twitter for user data and propaganda, and Theil has Palantir. It's how JD Vance is the VP pick and Musk is now funneling $45 million a month to the campaign in a tit for tat. It's a rigged election that no matter who wins, the people lose.
So you are democrat
predicting something != endorsing something
Read the entire comment he is replying to
Do you lack basic reading comprehension?
Mr gaslight
All they need to do is pick someone under 65 and they will win
That’s a prediction
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He certainly did!
Best man on SN!
Let’s not go too far. He is slightly above average. Haha
That's how I feel, but @k00b did say I was the "top stacker" just two days ago.
Modesty is the adornment of kings
He's top! But we really have a long list of top content providers here on SN.
Biden is 81, Trump is 78. If Trump wins he will be older by the end of the term than Biden was.
Would be funny if it would end in a Kamala vs Don Jr election.
But Trump is in top shape as he proved... Brandon not so much. And Kamala... I have no words for that level of stupidity
Do you have grandparents in that age group?
I remember my grandpas health deteriorating rapidly one year in his 80s. In spring you wouldn't have guessed he was a day over 60. In fall we were questioning if they should look up retirement homes or organize some co-living with relatives
If you don't have grandparents in that age group, look up some 2016 videos of Joe Biden. It really is astonishing.
There is no guarantee that Trump declines during his term. And there is no guarantee that he doesn't.
I don't think Don Jr would lower the Republican chances in November. If that is why you're so insisting on it.
Why are we even talking about it. It's not going to happen anyway. It was just for fun throwing ideas around.
Pretending that Biden was in fit shape to be president was straight up gaslighting fraud on the part of the democrats, and left wing. Hopefully voters punish that fraud harshly.
6 minute montage
Careful. The herd of retards is growing
I think it was the right call for the American people. Now the drama will begin for his/her successor.
Republicans are already leading the polls. If Dems are tearing each other apart that could really be the nail in the coffin.
And now, the Dem civil war really kicks off.
Does not endorse Harris
And also nobody else. I reckon this has more to do with his generations idea of having a legacy are than an anti-Kamala move:
If he endorsed a candidate and that candidate lost, it would tarnish his decision to step down.
Don't steer the ship while you're leaving the bridge. That SHOULD be good manners.
If he's too old to govern, why shoudn't he be too old to make such an impactful decision
I saw this coming from a mile away. HRC is up next, Kamala is so unlikeable, she can't win.
Clinton/Harris would just be pure nails on chalkboard.
So the worst of the deep state fucks? Nice
All in all, against the backdrop of all the crap going on in politics, I'm glad I'm a firm Bitcoin voter. Individual sovereignty is everything
Who will be your choice?
I'm a non-voting, non-american european cynic who takes pleasure in this shitshow. but what Trump delivered last week made history. all the greatest respect
You say it's Joever; I say it's just Kamencing.
Shocking! No, not so, it was just yesterday when everywhere the news was 'Biden says he won't step down' and now within 24 hours, the opposite decision!!
May be Biden overcame Dementia for just 20 minutes and realised that he isn't young enough now!!
No. He doesn't evrn know about this. He's on the beach...
Who duplicated his signature?? Is it Harris?
Maybe Hunter forgot some dope in the WH and made a joke??
Called it.
Pretty close on Biden, was off a day or two but was close enough.
Next up, gushing over Biden as a person and the amazing job he's apparently done. (It's already started and it will become nauseating.) We'll see how his announcement pans out this week.
Now for the not-supposed-to-say-it-out-loud part: If, by his own effective admission, Biden is disabled from being president again, what is the reason for this? And by continuation, does this precluding condition disable him from finishing this term?
From the Democrats' perspective, if Biden really did what's best for the "party and country" then he'd resign. That would give Harris a small bit of executive experience to hang her hat on. As it is, she has zero.
For 3.5 years the people have been told "he's good, he's healthy", yet suddenly he's not. Why are the people to believe "he's good for now"? At the least, an explanation is warranted.
I'm sure what will happen is that they'll simply go into "run out the clock" mode with Biden. Im sure the party line will be health and family reasons. Still, it begs the question, "If he can't be president January 21, 2025, why can he now? What is the reason?"
He should resign from the presidency. He has not addressed the nation or the world publicly. He announced he is not running via Twitter. Reasonably sure he did not write his announcement
one interesting thing, there was a newsmax interview like 3 days ago that someone posted on nostr. It got no traction anywhere else but turned out to be 100% accurate in that the interviewed called this exit timeline exactly. I know its just 3 days but interesting that an outlet like newsmax can give a platform to such speech that the trad media can't until they are given the greenlight.
Bets will be Michelle Oboma
B. endorsed KH.
Biden doesn't matter, it has to be endorsed by deep state.
I saw the news in another medium, and I ran to tell my husband, then I told him, I'm going to check on SN to see if they have written about this and I automatically saw this publication first, I told him Yes, they already published, he asks me who It's the publication... I'm sure it's from TomK, he always publishes about economics and politics, I told him yes, it's him. And well, thanks for keeping us informed.
Greets to You. Enjoy the show..
I expect the surprise appearance to be Michelle Obama, a figure far from the scene.
Didn't Big Mike clearly refuse some days ago??
I saw an interview with Robert Barnes recently - he is a lawyer and a semi-insider of the Trump camp (chummy with Don Jr).
He claims Big Mike is never coming back to politics as she hates it and hates being around people. Her goal (and the deal she made with Barack) is they are now finished with politics and now is the time to cash-in.
She wants to farm all the juicy relationships and deals her and Barack made while in office.
Suprise surprise. Actually, they should really evaluate everything, and publish when he declined so much. And who was running the show.
Joe didn’t use official letterhead!
Smollett moment
On July 19, Friday, Kamala gets ice cream, an omen lol?
Michell Obama?
Naa, he wouldn't pass the chromosome test...lol
She represents all genders like the face of Michael Jackson
Btw, Donalds reaction was peculiar:
fourth? Fourth what? Debates on TV? (2026, 2020 2x2024)? Why is that the first thing that comes to mind for him?
yes, what would you have thought of if a retard like Brandon had dropped out of the presidential election campaign? i would probably have laughed myself to death at first
4th opponent
Hillary Biden in 2020 Biden in 2024 Someone else
Vivek breaks it down
All Black Lives Matter including black trans women
Translation? What is a trans woman?
Equality vs equity
Journalist Laura Loomer points out something interesting about the letter.
So where is the retarded zombie?
I follow Laura on Twitter Her feed is entertaining
I sent her bitcoin wallet ideas in 2021. She said thanks
Earlier, I laughed. The idea of having a black woman this near to the presidency sparked joy. Now, that the novelty has worn off, and I've listened to the commentary and considered the context, I feel not much at all. The devotion with which we cling to that we have so obviously outgrown is shameful. I feel badly that we put that poor old man thru all this. We need to grow up. And maybe stop being a democracy until we do just that.
What black woman?
Me, obviously.
I was thinking of the primitive rebranding of this moron as afro-american which she obviously is not.
October surprise
i'm telling you, hunter made a joke. brandon is perfectly fine, sniffing around kids and eating his ice cream
I'd love to see an RFK Jr vs Trump. Uniter vs Populist.
RFK tried to run vs Joe but he was banished from the primary
good thing those corrupt degenerate communists in the white house denied him secret service support. otherwise he probably wouldn't even be with us today
Lolol. Reeeeally a good one
they will just usher in Kamala...don't see there being a genuine challenge from any other Dems. o and she'll lose for sure
I agree with Ed Dowd . We’re gonna see a massive propaganda campaign to sell the new person to the public and then some kind of election rigging on the night. https://x.com/dowdedward/status/1815131881589121396?s=46
Will be harder to rig the election this year for a couple reasons including Twitter or X ownership and control.
There will definitely be shenanigans on election night for sure as there always is. There were shenanigans in 2016. Pennsylvania mainly Philadelphia stopped counting ballots for 90 minutes before declaring Trump the winner.
Best thing he could have ever done.
he had no choice
shocker, that came out of nowhere...lol
Obviously we are not surprised but when our forecast comes true we are still surprised by the timing
His poor debate performance was shocking and not surprising. Everyone knew his cognitive decline and condition. The only ones who were shocked are those voters who rely on MSM for information and political punditry.
I was surprised that he was allowed to debate without any notes. I almost felt sorry for Joe that night. Very difficult to watch.
National Ice Cream Day!
Noe Biden needs to step down and make history. First female president. What does he have to lose? If he isn't the best for the next four years why isn't Kamala better today? If I was a dem that's what I'd be pushing for.
What's all this nonsense about female presidents? I want to see competent staff no matter what gender in this house. You must finally stop regurgitating this left-wing woken nonsense.
Hey @TomK I said "if I were a Democrat". I really don't care either way.
Ah ok, sorry. Had a long day in a plane...
All good
I can testify unequivocally he doesn't care either way
More people should emulate
The goal is to keep people focusing on our differences instead what we have in common. Divide us so they can keep enriching themselves.
I can't point to a single political figure seeking common ground and solutions to conflicts. They all focus on the differences and promise to take the sword and lead their side to dominance.
I really care for btc and that I lost at least twice the chance to allocate to, study it and advance in life when a friend mentioned it first in 2013. In those days clearly I was the retarded Brandon ridiculing him with MSM nonsense
better late than never
I realized in late 2016 that MSM was clueless and deceptive
Once you realize the nonsense, it becomes impossible to listen to their words on TV or paper
It’s the President not the Secret Service
I need a beer. Now we'll see the Kamala fan boys, pushing this moron, hand in hand with the rotten media
what happens to our friend Hunter now? who will take over the baton and continue this most awesome lifestyle into the future?
Did someone sign it for him too?
Btw: where did they put the zombie?
Assassination was his only chance, makes sense he gives up now.
World just got a little more reasonable with him no longer running for reelection.
Oh damn!
I love your very mainstream analysis!
Seriously no sarcasm
I don't comment too often, but when I do, I try to keep it mainstream. /sarcasm 🙂
Timeline fits
Assasination failed Biden gets 'covid' and he resigns soon after via Twitter
Biden is still 'resting' in Delaware
Let the zombie get some breath....
But i love how the first stories of Kamala are being dug out now. this is getting really dirty
Anarchy is obsolete. There is no one in charge.
seems joe biden will lose
Trump or Hillary?
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stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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Won't happen but I agree that it would be hillary-ious
Killery clearly is in the books again