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The biggest change in this release is related to attachable wallets. They are now implemented as plugins.
If SN were a house, wallets were the lights and we wanted to install a new light, we previously had to rip open all the walls to install new wires for it and risk a fire. Now, we can reuse all the wires that have stood the test of time and thus we know are safe to use.
This makes it not only for us much easier to add new wallets, but also for contributors. We also wrote up some documentation. We will also add more tickets to add wallets like this one about Blink.
Additionally, you can now enable and disable every wallet independently. Previously, you could only have one spending wallet and one receiving wallet enabled at a time.
Since you can now have multiple wallets enabled for spending/receiving, we've added drag and drop.1 This means you can now drag the wallets around in the settings. The wallet in the top-left corner will have the highest priority and will be attempted first. If a wallet fails during autowithdrawal, the next in line will be attempted. In a future release, this is also how it will work for spending wallets. Currently, it only attempts the wallet with the highest priority.
This wraps up stage 2 of our wallet plans.
Next stage is implementing non-custodial zapping: zaps will directly go to your attached wallet instead of using the custodial wallet as a buffer.
Other changes:
  • bugfixes around the new referral system
  • territory payments now properly fall back to a QR code if your attached wallet fails
  • @aniskhalfallah added NGN as a currency to the settings
  • other minor bugfixes

Since starting the Open Source Contributor Award Rules (OSCARs), we've paid a total of 8.1m sats to 25 contributors for 116 contributions! View an up to date list of contribution awards here: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/blob/master/awards.csv

Previous release: #604917


  1. On mobile, you need to click a wallet and then select the position where you want to have it. Unfortunately, DnD on touch devices needs special code which we didn't add yet.
The aspiration with these wallet plugins is that someone can add a new external wallet in ~100 lines of code without any knowledge of the SN codebase. I'm not sure that's true just yet, but that's the goal. We basically want to be able to attach any source/destination of lightning funds that can programmatically:
  1. pay a lightning invoice
  2. and/or create a lightning invoice that can be paid
This sounds amazing! Thanks for your hard work.
This is a great approach. I haven't tried it but it seems like a really good goal to have.
Oh, just noticed: we changed the location where wallets are stored in local storage but didn't add migration code. So if you had a spending wallet enabled, you need to configure it again. Sorry for the inconvenience!
So if you had a spending wallet enabled, you need to configure it again
I reconfigured it and works perfectly.
Great work!
I’ll try to figure out how to connect these wallets. Hopefully, I find some non highly technical instructions somewhere here.
Thank you SN team! You guys are very much dedicated!
Thanks for the updates on fixes!
Thank you for your hard work.
the documentation is really...technical 👀 was expected to learn some tricks there.
Amazing! Thanks SN team
Thank you for the mention !
Seems like everything is coming along. I still havent attached a wallet...or withdrawn lol I am really going to have to do that sometime in the future.
Thanks for the updates!
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