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For the most part, I'm quite confident with where my health is at right now. It's a never ending journey of continuous optimization, experimenting, learning, and adapting but I would say the past 5 years, especially since becoming a Bitcoiner and being able to lower my time preference, I've focused a lot of my time on getting myself as healthy as possible.
With that being said, one aspect of my health that I'm still learning to improve is my overall voice projection. I don't have a weak voice (although at one point I did), but it's far from optimal in terms of volume and clarity. I've noticed that it could be that my breathing muscles, especially my external intercostals aren't the strongest and most conditioned. As I've focused more on slow, deliberate, and full length breaths, really making sure I engage all of my breathing muscles, I do feel I am better able to speak with good projection and clarity. Still a work in progress but progress.
What is one thing that concerns you about your health? Are you doing anything specific to address it, or maybe you have questions or concerns that you would like to discuss here on SN?
I neglected my health until I reached the grand old age of 44. I had sat at a desk for 20 years and the only excercise I did was a bit of walking and cycling. I noticed a pot-belly growing out from me and something clicked in my mind.
My body had been good to me allowing me to eat and drink most things and yet stay slim (weighing about 9.5 stone) but it felt like the payback time had arrived. I had to make make a change and commit now or I never would.
I found out about 'skinny fat' which is where outwardly you look ok (kinda shapeless with no definition) but inside is a significant amount of bad fat surrounding organs. I found out that we lose 1% muscle mass after age 30. I had some serious work to do if I wanted to be able to get out of the bath at age 65.
I started doing weights at home with dumbells and progressed to a bench and barbell. It was hard at first, I felt a bit ridiculous infront of my family (puny man syndrome) and I suffered a couple of minor injuries. I started to eat better as I learnt more about what I was doing. I got stronger and could lift more.
Motivation was hard, really hard; doing the same routine and noticing little change even after 6 months. I started to understand what the word discipline really meant.
I started to sleep better and had more energy. I enjoyed the post workout feeling. I thought I could actually see a change in my physique (still had the pot-belly) but my arms, chest and shoulders were looking a little more defined. I had less coughs and colds even when the rest of my family had them.
I went camping about a year after starting and a guy I didn't know asked me if I worked out. I was amazed, it felt incredible, a compliment from someone independent who could see I was working hard and that work was making a difference.
The weights were still boring. Lifting iron repeatedly in your garage is not a lot of fun. I started to listen to audiobooks which meant I could perhaps learn something whilst excercising.
It dawned on me that I was doing something, earning something that no amount of money can't buy. I was increasing my muscle-mass AND educating myself at the same time.
"The trophy is earned in the hours when no one is watching" This has become my mantra. I don't talk about my workouts much unless people ask.
The time spent alone working out has become a cherished time for me. It's my downtime that clears my head and resets everything; no matter what crap is going down.
I now weigh nearly 12 stone having gained nearly 3 stone of muscle over three years which for a skinny old man like me feels pretty good. I've listened to twenty books over the past year. I'm stronger and wiser. I haven't looked back and don't plan to.
It's possible to change who you are even later in life but you have to want to change. This sounds obvious but what I mean is that you can't go in to it and remain the same person you were before. You will change into a different person who looks at things differently and you have to accept that change.
"Becoming strong doesn't start in the gym, it starts in your head"
Regarding pot belly, I have read that waist size is more important than weight. Your waist should be less than half of your height. Otherwise very dangerous to your health
That would tally. It's definitely worth minimising your waist size as you age.
Thank you for sharing! Congrats to you for making these changes for the sake of your health! And great quotes!
I am very happy with my health. It seems to me that I am still seeking balance. Balance between things that bring me pleasure. Mostly things I consume. Whether it's, phone time, sugar, caffeine, weed, sex, I want to enjoy these things in appropriate quantities, and be more balanced.
Yes, balance is key. For me I've been getting better at balancing work / training with proper and optimal recovery and rest. Used to go all out on training and neglect rest and recovery, but have learned as you mentioned, the importance of balance, for sustainability and progressive improvement over time.
The real life hack is when your work becomes your training and your play.
What concerns me is that i have signs of degenerating retinas in both eyes that may lead to blindness in the future. What I am doing to address it you ask? I am going for regular checks with the doctor. There isn't really anything more that I can do.
No surgical treatment? Have you seen a retinal specialist?
In case tears appear, they can be treated with laser. How fast and how far this will progress... is a matter of luck. If there is no retinal detachment (which is a risk in my case) i expect not to have significant vision loss in the next 10 year... But I would have liked to have a time horizon a lot longer than 10 years, but ... whatever.
I'm certainly no doctor, but I have heard that omega 3s in particular DHA can potentially help with maintaining retinal health.
I have noticed I have lost some muscles. Since I was a teacher, I didnt use them as much. Now sometimes when I am using a wrench I seem to notice my legs dont have as much strength or my hands dont have as much strength to move bolts like I used to. I am sure with time I can build it back up :)
Without a doubt you can build back up!
Im sure I can. Just takes some dedication.
I'm fat, sedentary, don't sleep enough, eat too many of the wrong foods, and I enjoy emotional distress.
Dude are you me? LOL
Username may well checkout.
I don't exercise, I'm too sedentary, consume wrong foods, addicted to emotional distress
Eat more koobideh!
That's the dream.
I'm the opposite of you! 😊 I'm lean, not too lazy, sleep almost enough (4 to 5 hours a day, this is optimal for me), can't eat wrong foods as I had been allergic to many of them, I don't like emotional distress but a work related distress is my favourite.
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Apart from sleeping, I do 1 hour of meditation + yoga. I've learnt that sleeping hours may vary person to person. While someone may need 8 to 10 hours of sleep and someone can do with 4 to 5 hours. The rule about sleeping minimum 7 hours may be the median.
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The Secret
If I sleep more than 6 hours any day I don't feel that energetic as I do on most other days with a maximum of 5 hours sleep. I don't know if this is because me adopting to this habit very early in my life and persisting with it for now more than 20 years. TBH, upto now I don't have any health issues whatsoever. My immunity is good and on yearly health checkups I'm always fit and fine for most things. You'll be surprised if I tell you that I never ever had headache or any type of body pain that I've seen people start complaining in their early 40s. I don't catch cold so often as people do. I don't remember when was the last time I had fever.
I can only attribute all of these healthy conditions of mine to my for and fine parents who are in their 60s but they are relatively very fit. Thanks to God as well.
I've learnt meditation and yoda habits from my mother and eating good and healthy food from my father.
Please read this article to understand why some people need less sleep.
I can verify it for myself.
I feel the same way some days. I need to sleep more and be more active.
I'm sometimes worried about my emotional well being. Nothing else so far!
I have always tried to take care of myself as best as possible, drink water, exercise and maintain my peace of mind, of course I have been working on this for a long time and daily stress, routine among other things that are harmful influence it.
The price of Bitcoin affect my humor. I'm working on it.
I want to be inmune to the volatility.
mentally writes to you in a loud and obnoxious voice like how I normally talk to you
but fr, i think it's definitely more of the hereditary stuff that has me on edge, nephrology ones especially. sugar always scares me though, but it's gotten better too. everything else in filipinos is a matter of lifestyle and how you take care of yourself (high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.).
Among other things listed by others, I’d say posture
often experience decrease of blood flow to the brain
that can't be good, sounds serious and dangerous
I have become sedentary in these years, I went from skating and swimming almost every day, to going out and doing some skating once a month, and there are months when I don't do it, on the other hand I practiced a little tai-chi and was learning yoga, but brutally stopped everything. and I haven't returned to it! It is true that in those days my work was heavier and I ended up without energy almost daily. About two or three months ago I changed my work routine, and now I feel calmer, and I have returned to the meditations, however I have not resumed the exercises. Just this week I began to reflect daily in the logseq the exercise task and I have resumed doing push-ups, or another exercise routine at home. After three days and accomplished the task in two, I intend to continue like this and battle with myself daily. to achieve a more optimal state for my body and mind in the coming months
Thanks for sharing and all the best to you!
Have you ever noticed any tension in your jaw?
I could relax more.
Voice projection is not a health problem
Maybe vanity but not health
I have kids so I don’t get nearly enough sleep (maybe 3-4 hours a night for the last 6 years). I’m worried it is taking years off my life.
That in order to really be healthy, there a lot that has to be sacrificed. Time is always the # 1 component of people not working out and being healthy. It’s unsustainable unless one has a strict schedule and is very disciplined.