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To bitcoiners, Trump's speech may have seemed like more of a campaign stump speech and a bit underwhelming bitcoinwise. At least that's how I perceived it as he was speaking. Whereas other speakers were in Nashville to talk bitcoin, Trump was there to campaign and bitcoin was a topic in the campaign.
Also, Robert Kennedy Jr. may have set the bar pretty high by laying out his plan with ambitious bitcoin reserve purchases. I like high goals, however, I'm not sure if his goals are even possible: buy 550 daily until 4 million. Umm, only 450 are minted per day. Who's selling?
Zooming out...
  • RFK Jr. is much more free to say things. He has zero chance to win. He will not be president and his plans are moot (moot other than maybe in that they can serve to something of a "first offer" bargaining chip for Trump to react to).
  • Trump stands a good chance to win, at least 50/50. Thus, he needs to be more cautious in what he says. For instance, if he'd said, "I promise to replace the US dollar with bitcoin!", the crowd likely would have erupted in applause. However, burning down the house statements like that would be political suicide. You must win office to make changes in office.
From a broad perspective, the speech was huge. We're taking steps here and this was a very big one. This post logged Trump's promises well: #625076 but here are my thoughts:
  • A former president and maybe next president spoke at the biggest (at least in US) bitcoin conference. That's de facto official recognition. That alone is a huge change from ignoring bitcoin, combating or criticizing bitcoin.
  • A bitcoin reserve or "stockpile" was promised. This is a step in the right direction.
  • The notion of keeping bitcoin in the US was big. It's rather general at this point, but hopefully that means protecting those who code, miners who mine, hodlers who hodl, etc. This is maybe bigger than the reserve, actually.
  • Personally, I really liked the advisory council proposal. That puts bitcoin "in the White House". That puts people who get it speaking into the president's ear, instead of the media's spin or hell-bent politicians trying to drum up public attention. A good advisory council could help keep the president on point.
  • Also personally, I thought the 1 BTC coin gift was pretty cool. Would love to see that sitting on the Resolute Desk.
Overall, considering how far bitcoin has come, I think this will be seen in the future as a watershed moment.
I don't understand why people seem to be in favor of these plans that the government should stockpile Bitcoin. No matter if its Trump or Kennedy, 550 daily or 1m overall.
I couldn't care less if they buy or sell Bitcoin. What I really care about is adoption. If he promised something that would bring payment possibilities to more places, shops, restaurants, bars in the US - that would be huge.
You could even argue it's a bad thing when the government owns a million Bitcoin. I want a small government. That's not gonna happen if the government owns 1/21th of total supply.
Regarding bringing payment possibilities, I think the #1 thing the government can do is the same with anything to promote business...namely don't do anything! Or in another way, remove hurdles that are preventing the people from doing the things they want to do. If allowed to act without fear or repercussions, folks will bring in those payment possibilities.
As people say bitcoin is for enemies too! If you fill the government with bitcoiners change laws that make it easy for people and increase freedom then this is an overall win. If people use it for tyranny like the Fed does now then it’s a loss. Everything always boils down to the people.
I very much was more positively surprised by Sen Lummis’ declaration to establish a 1 milion bitcoin reserve. Trump basically used the conference to gain political benefits.
I didn't see/hear her speech so I can't really comment. By all accounts though, she is sharp an on point, likely understands bitcoin a lot more than Trump. That's really good, we need bitcoin people in Congress writing good policy and calling out bad.
Here's the speech for you: #625940
I was there in person, arrived at 7:30 AM... Waited all day without food and water. I think it was a 6/10 speech. If Kennedy has a chance, he will get my vote. If it comes down to Kamala v Trump, trump has my vote 200%.
That's pretty cool that you were there. Any "sideline reporting" you can give? 😀 Like what was the general mood? Was the "secret guest" expected or was that a disappointment? Anything stand out to you, even anything silly? Just curious.
When thinking about Kennedy, I think of Ross Perot in 1992. I think he got 19% of the popular vote, which is incredible for a third party candidate. But, he got 0 electoral votes. The US system is structured for the two party system. May not be fair, but until the Constitution is changed(which ain't happening), that's the system. Just my thoughts.
Agreed, and don't overlook the fact that there was TONS of press coverage on Trump's speech. I saw it simulcasted on Fox, MSNBC, and other mainstream news outlets...
The overton window has been moved and now everyone has to recognize that their politicians are bitcoiners.
It's become so much easier to orange pill no-coiners, now that even président candidates talk about it and court bitcoiners. This alone will help future adoption.
Trump wasn't there for Bitcoin and wasn't surely there for the people of US. He was there to cook his own meal and TBH, he just managed to cook it. RFK jr. has been much more vocal and presents some interesting and more worthy points, may be runs for presidency in 2028 and wins. That's all we can hope for now. I don't see Trump will actually do anything good for Bitcoin!
Fair enough. I disagree and think Trump already did something by being there and don't think RFK has a chance in 2028. But 4 years away is forever in politics.
If you are a single issue voter, and that issue happens to be Bitcoin, then not sure why you'd vote Trump over Kennedy when RFK Jr is clearly the knowledgeable one on the topic of Bitcoin.
I hear you, personally though, I think it's unwise to vote for someone who will not win. I see that as tossing away my vote. The only "benefit" that I see in doing that is voicing ones opinion. That does stand for something, voting on ones principle though is admirable. I guessing just takea pragmatic approach on it.
considering how far bitcoin has come, I think this will be seen in the future as a watershed moment.
Absolutely right.
I think we are currently living 'a Bitcoin moment'. It's Bitcoin on everyone's mouth and thatbshould see Bitcoin getting very popular in coming times.
You wouldn't wish this on your enemy. They'll grab everything for themselves. Politicians don't need cryptocurrency in its current form.
RFK jr, I dont know. He might still have a chance because he isnt an asshole like trump.
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I get everything you say and agree with majority of it but you are coming off very naive
I like your passion friend. But RFK will not win.