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The Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase. The series revolves around Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), a New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster who struggles to balance his family life with his role as the leader of a criminal organization, which he reluctantly explores during therapy sessions with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi (Lorraine Bracco). The series also features Tony's various family members, Mafia colleagues, and rivals in prominent roles—most notably his wife Carmela (Edie Falco) and his protégé and distant cousin Christopher Moltisanti (Michael Imperioli).
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You got yourself a gun.
this Is America!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssshhhhh! Great theme song.
My wife really enjoyed this series and I quite liked the music in it, Nashville anyone? https://youtu.be/0dI3UniT2uM?si=3AvAzX7oaJLUE0kJ
10 seconds of music? ahhahah I don't know this series, but I know that Nashville is the capital of American music, right? Or am I wrong?
Yeah the whole series is about musicians and although seriously corny. The music that features in it is really good.
I just started watching this series this month, and today I might start watching the last season, please don't give me any spoilers. The first thing I noticed when I watched the first episode was the good music, I haven't been disappointed by any episode.
It's never too late to watch this series. Great soundtrack, no doubt!
I always loved the lyrics to this one.
Tits and, tits and fighting, tits and fighting tits and fighting tits and fighting tits and fighting tits and, tits and, tits and fighting, tits and fighting, tits and fighting etc etc. you get the point.
Or maybe that was just some crazy people at a festival after too many bevvies...
wine, fights and tits 😂
Sorry!! I got carried away when I saw the list of series hahaha and I got sidetracked. I'll look for a Sopranos series
One of the best shows of my lifetime without a doubt. I miss watching that show
I miss this show
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