This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
It would be nice to have a preview when making a new post by link.
Also, is it possible to delete a post?, I wanted to post a better version of one of my posts and couldn't find a way to delete it.
What kind of preview?
We’ll add deletion eventually. Kind of tricky if people have given sats/commented
Just like the text post has a preview that shows how the post will look. I posted a twitter link but had no idea how it was going to render in the post for example. It would have been nice to see that in a preview.
I see! I can do that
i miss the days when I could attend bitcoin events for fun
What kind of leader stands up in front of his people and says "The days of abundance are coming to an end"
"The end of abundance"
Please ignore my gold leaf plated doors.
So hungry for more ways to make sats. I also wish there was a way artists like myself could pay people to play our music on streaming services. Ways that are verifiable you know?
What does paying people to listen to your music accomplish? Is it something like the streaming services then recommend your music to others then?
Anyway, anyone can create a task on looking for taskers to do whatever, and set whatever price and terms you'ld like. I don't know what kind of proof would work, maybe a screenshot of the player mid-song, or a screenshot of songs played or something, I don't know. But you would be amazed how many people do tasks for 50 or 25 sats even:
Industry is no longer possible in Europe due to the energy crisis, its not even a crisis because this assumes it will go away, its the new norm. And thats why industry wont be possible because it wont be competitive so they are going to become very poor.
How did it get to this point? Decades of terrible financial, immigration and energy policies. Will it change? No, the power structure enforcing the policies will remain intact for decades to come, everyone will just get significantly poorer.
@k00b is it possible to have scheduled posting? Sometimes I am offline several days (building my humble citadel into the mountains) but I would like to post something in a specific day on SN.
I know you will figure out something about that :)
whoa amazing idea🀯
That'd be cool!
I always thought about that when I see you posting everyday those daily thread stickies... Maaan, what happen when k00b wants to go to holiday for few days? Who is going to post those daily threads? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Those are automated! But it'd be cool to give users scheduled posts.
I hope all of you guys in Austin are having a good kick off to BitBlockBoom this weekend - would love to see any pictures!
Lightning Watch Bot is highly recommended for those running nodes. For a small fee you get instant notification about your node. Can help maximize up time! Might not be the best for privacy but I think it’s worth the tradeoff
The day you stop laughing, is the day you stop living a healthy life. Smile... tomorrow will be worse. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Tip of the day!
How to buy sats as a nocoiner that just started from zero.
Today we are going to use SBW wallet. Yes is a very simple, noob friendly wallet, non-custodial and super fast to onboard.
Yes, SBW is using hosted channels (HC) for better liquidity (custodials, semi-trusted) but also user can open regular LN channels. HCs are good for fast onboarding new users, that have ZERO sats to open channels, so hard for them to start to use a fully non-custodial LN wallet. Small steps first...
  1. Download SBW (Android, apk and F-droid)
  2. Save the seed for the onchain wallet
  3. By default you will have a 1M sats HC already open by SBW node. So you will have a 1M inbound liquidty, ready to receive some sats. This channel is open by Motherbase node, run by Anton. Due to his "busy times" with war in Ukraine, this node is quite controversial now. So let's use an alternative HCP (hosted channel provider). There are 3 other optional HCP right now and soon will be more, including from ZFR node. I found these:
  1. Go to Robosats onion page (use Tor browser) and take a selling order. If you create a buying order, you would need to deposit an escrow amount, so in the case you have no sats, is better just taking an existing order. Pay with fiat or gift cards or whatever is requested and done, now you can receive your sats directly into your SBW HC, when the order is confirmed. See more details about the process on
  2. Go to your SBW wallet and click on receive. Put the amount of sats indicated on Robosats you have bought and paste the LN invoice generated in your SBW into Robosats and make the withdrawal.
Done! Now you are a bitcoiner and not a nocoiner anymore!
For #4 -- RoboSats ... even taking an existing order from a Seller requires you to have sats -- for the taker bond. The amount of sats is a small amount ... like 3% of the trade amount, but a buyer without any sats yet cannot do any trade, buy or sell, on RoboSats.
The RoboSats Telegram shows traders not being able to use the default ("legacy") hosted channel on SBW to pay the RoboSats bond. Not sure if that problem occurs or not with the other hosted channel providers that you listed, but wanted to point that out.
indeed, sorry, my mistake.
buhuhu so scary that warning... Is going to steal all your bitcoins now. Is just a damn fucking text webpage with an expired SSL cert. What is so big deal for you people? You can read it anyways.
When your driver "license" expire, are you going to just stay at home or use a taxi, because you think that you are not able to drive a car or you just drive your car and don't give a shit about the expired license paper shit?
SBW is dead afaik. The main dev has decided to halt the project and shut his node down.
This is evidenced by the fact that no longer has a valid SSL cert.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm familiar, I've actually got it installed. It's pretty neat. Most users are probably better off just trying out norma lightning wallets (like Phoenix) first imo.
no longer has a valid SSL cert.
LOL, I am so scared to access a text webpage without SSL cert... damn it man, is just text, nothing to worry. Yes, is a bad thing but is not the end of the world for that.
The main dev has decided to halt the project and shut his node down.
Yes, indeed, but, it is FOSS and is already forked and will be maintained. Why don't you fork it anyway? Why complain that the dev is not maintaining it anymore? As I said: his HC node is already replaced by others. SBW can run without his dev or node.
Wait, you're a fan of HC?
I thought we think of all kinds Lightning infrastructure that is not meant to be permanent as a little "eeehhhh πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜¬"?
I am fan only of freedom. I am not a fan of HC, but we should use all LN innovations for each occasion, with the feature is needed. Don't focus only one one app or feature. Use them all for specific situations.
I am suggesting making a thread sharing all the tips and hacks. Easier to "collect" them πŸ˜‚
I like to participate in daily threads with more practical posts instead of just saying GM and hello... :)
Let's see what today brings. I started reading on my breaks at work, due to which I almost finished "the Book of Satoshi" about which I expect to write an essay for Sunday's Bitcoin Brunch.