I'm very confused, but this is so interesting. They have zirped for so long that this is really a cool laboratory to see how this stuff ends. I don't have a clue, but I will be watching.
I don't know if you're seeing it too, but on my computer look at the advertising that appears on that link.
I was hoping all this bad macro news would crash bitcoin, and allow me to pay off my territories cheap. So far no luck.
I love it when bitcoiners want the price to fall ... many people don't understand this, I think it's fantastic!
It's seems gloomy everywhere except India where Stock Market jumped to all time high yesterday.
India economy runs on manipulated stats. Every department of stat has been falsified and power of modi fascist govt
This market plunge is so dramatic that the Japanese will have their eyes wide open :)
In a ZIRP country, every business that makes a positive return is viable, because there's no outside risk-free option for the capital.
When there are interest rates for savings, only businesses with returns above those rates are viable. That logic trickles through everything. Only workers who yield a return above that rate will be retained. Only products that can be marked up by more than that rate (plus marginal operating expenses) will be sold. On and on it goes.
What's that old quote? The markets can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent? I'm glad I didn't place any big bets on Japan over the years.
It’s amazing to see. The market has no tolerance for rates about zero.
It will come up eventually. Just a matter of time. The Japanese are resilient people.
Yes they are. I still don't understand how the economy was more or less okay for the average person for the last 35 years.
I know, the last 10 to 15 years have been quite a ride. How many economies have flopped?
There are other markets that are falling quite a bit as well, it seems that it is not only a matter of Japan.
I will be watching. Same here 😉
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