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What's your take 🤔
Is simple: all start with good education and patience. Not gambling, not "investing", not speculating, not trading. Read, test, practice, understand, help and adapt to how Bitcoin works (not the way around). "Be like water in a river, not like a rock..." - Bruce Lee.
Bitcoin is energy in the end and for all people, this is what we are doing all days long: pursuing the accumulation of energy in many different forms. Who fail to understand this basic fact, will be doomed.
If more normies will stop listening to propaganda media and govs and start reading more about Bitcoin (real documentation, not bullshit articles full of shitcoin pitches) and putting some effort in trying to understand why /how Bitcoin, then everything will go smooth, natural and spontaneous.
Maybe that's why normies are normies, too busy to think for themselves 😂
I think we talk a lot about this how internet economy and influencers could leap Bitcoin foward.
We talk a lot about it but we don't actually do it. Not a single mainstream instagrammer or big Youtuber or OF girl going into Bitcoin. 😑😑😑
Well, one of the saddest things about our society is that the truth is usually not popular. 😂
is there a way to get a long term address that I can use for purchases/donations for my onlyfans?
Damn, I just realized what is OF 🤣🤣
There are so many niche "small" youtubers and podcasters that can actually live from what they do. And if we're honest: if there is an empty SSD in the morning and a piece of content that people want - that means that the content creators provided actual value.
I imagine a world where actually a respectable slice of the pie of the population of the first world could actually work in entertainment.
I believe everyone can be a content creator and offering value to others, and Bitcoin will enable that ⚡️
In the end we are all "content creators" in many different ways...
waiting to see more memes from you 🕶️
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. There are endless possibilities but getting people to see bitcoin as legitimate (outside of number go up/too volatile) for multiple use cases would definitely help. I believe as time goes on, onboarding into bitcoin will only become easier which will also help it to become mainstream. It's not as seamless as most people are used to. But there are more devs creating awesome tools and even more content creators helping to educate the public. We are still very early!!