In your settings, you can specify a zap range so that your zaps are a random amount within that range (inclusive iirc). It works with turbo zaps even! This was implemented by @WeAreAllSatoshi and @0xbitcoiner requested this iirc.
You can now "attach" a webln enabled wallet like Alby. This went live a week ago or so but we didn't announce it.
Anyway, that's all we've got for now. 🫡
NGL this feature is going over better than I anticipated haha
2527 sats \ 4 replies \ @ek 3 Aug
Zapped you a random amount between 1-5000! 🫡
It also works well with zap undos and custom zaps.
Right back at you!
919 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 3 Aug
A zap duel has been triggered
We’re just testing Math.random
pure madness
the random zap is fun 👀 the another fun part is I don't even know how much I zapped and need to point to the ⚡️ to see:)
and stackers won't be able to guess your zapping pattern, triple fun!

tested with Alby too, works great!
You could explain how to test it. I activated it but nothing happened. I must be a real nerd :)
Go to wallet - attach - choose the second option and enable it ( you need to preinstall Alby in the browser )
Empty the SN wallet to a point where you have less than what you want to zap - then Alby pops up and ask your persimmon to zap - set a budget there and done.
232 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b OP 2 Aug
Alby? You have to perform an action that costs more than your custodial balance.
Ahh ok! Then the test is for later, I have thousands of sats in SN wallet and I don't want to withdraw it now. When I make a zap that's bigger than my balance, will an envitation be sent to the Alby extension?
what I did was set the auto withdraw amount lower - emptying the wallet to do the test, easy 😎
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 2 Aug
Yep! Attached sending wallets are only used when you don't have enough custodial funds to pay for something.
Random zaps are like a box of chocolates, never know how much you’re going to get.
I like the random zaps more than I thought I would.
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 2 Aug
I had the same experience when I was testing them. I haven't been adventurous enough to switch to them in prod with turbo zaps yet.
That's a fun addition but I think I will stick with set zap amounts.
it works ! :)
Does the alby wallet work on mobile?
No WebLN requires a browser with an alby browser plugin, or a in-app browser system like Breez.
If you'd like to pay with Alby on mobile, NWC is the way to go.
Yall NWC compatible?
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 2 Aug
Yes you can attach an NWC wallet too
I just checked, I like this update.
Can you explain how random and turbo work together?
It's not doing exactly what I expected, which makes me feel like I'm playing with fire.
I think it's a random number in your range multiplied by 10^(nth zap-1).
I think I'd prefer it to be: first zap is a random number N in your range, then N*10^(nth zap-1) for subsequent zaps.
I like the first one more. If people want random, let them have random.
Good point.
That's what I expected, but that's not what it's doing. My range is 21-42 and oftentimes the second zap is also in that range, rather than 210-420. One time though, the second zap was between 210 and 420.
Is there a chance it's only scaling the max value on the range?
Oh it could be. I'll take a closer look. weareallsatoshi was the mastermind.
IIRC it uses a random value in the range as the base before scaling it for turbo tipping, but I could be misremembering.
Edit: I think I didn’t do anything specific for turbo tipping, I just changed how the “base zap” is calculated to use a random value in range if that’s configured, else using your default zap value. From there, it should just follow the existing turbo tipping behavior
I'll keep playing around with it, but something's acting funny. I double zapped you just now and it only did 27 sats. At minimum, you should have gotten 210, if I understand how it's supposed to work. It's especially odd that the second zap was only 5 sats, since that's outside the range I set.
I wonder if there’s some delay in determining the “last” zap for turbo tipping. Also yea, being outside the range altogether does not make any sense
Are you also using zap undos?
The problem is the turbo zapping loop.
If the range is 1-100, and the first random zap is 1 sat, and the next random value chosen is 2 sats, we don’t multiply by 10 because that loop only executes if zapN-1 >= zapN.
I’ll patch in a second.
Cool feature! Random zap enabled
Wow! It'll be fun! Getting any amounts!
It's always lovely how you people love this little gadgets
I like the idea of random zaps, thanks!
Cool stuff.
Random zaps? That is interesting, I might have to try it.
Random amounts! Wow! This is a great addition. Let's see how Stackers like it!
Sorry friends but what is zap? Plz some one explain me
Upvotes denominated in satoshis.
dayumm, great feature :)
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.