Very true. It would just end up encouraging more of a hive mind.
I was initially thinking that tying upvotes to sats would make people more stingy with their upvotes across the board. That's why I was thinking "how do we encourage people to upvote" like what is the incentive to not just hodl them haha
Rather than a hive mind, I think it incentivizes upvoting for the lowest common denominating content - memes, dunking on people, etc - because people know that stuff “wins.”
The fact that it costs someone to upvote is tricky - you brought up an interesting point.
Someone else suggested it work like a lottery and participation on the site enters you in the lottery and if you win you get all the Sybil fees.
Someone else suggested it work like a lottery and participation on the site enters you in the lottery and if you win you get all the Sybil fees.
So to encourage upvoting, maybe you can only enter the lottery if you spent X sats in the last week? Something like that?
I'm not sure how the Sybil fees thing works tbh. Is that explained somewhere?
Yes exactly like that. Weekly or daily.
By Sybil fees I mean the sats it costs to post and comment.