Wait I am confused I do see a Deb and rpm file for Linux? https://m.stacker.news/43278 Is it the full suite that isn't available?
Have you tried it? Spoiler: it's garbage. It feels like a web app pretending to be a native app. It takes 5 seconds to launch, and there's no offline support - so it's just the same as using a browser... useless.
I have not and I just use a browser anyway. So I do see your point. Yea alot of companies are going the way of the browser apps. Which is unfortunate. Granted I was thinking of subscribing . But I atm I just run a home network with nextcloud and other services for connecting externally I use zerotier on occasion. But alot of stuff I am ok with just connecting and syncing when I am at home.
The proton bridge app sucks, I uninstalled it and am only using proton on my phone. Wouldn't have paid for proton tbh if I had known this.