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Your post has more detail. Thanks. I wonder if CNBC will make the video available later.
I sure hope so cause honestly that is an exchange that can give me a good laugh for a while! I get it might not be something you are interested in or want to buy or trade with and honestly it is your choice! To go after it and crap all over the whole thing after even with the correction you are still almost 100% off and not put any sort of skin in the game is what is wild. If you are so sure then honestly short BTC to kingdom come but actually back what you say!
Taleb actually said "I don't care if it goes to a million. It's still useless" Joe then yells at him to short bitcoin. I am convinced Taleb's animosity stems from a private feud with Saifedean. Two blowhards in a pissing contest
100% due to Saifedean. I'm now convinced Taleb believed in bitcoin without doing even 100 hours work. He just likely believed Saif. Then when they had their feud he flipped and it is now personal for him.
He is so full of pride he has a mental block. No interest in learning or even making solid arguments. Its so obvious.
I remember a buddy of mine sending me a piece written by Taleb supposedly taking down bitcoin... I laughed so many times. My friend bought bitcoin early and sold it all in 2017 at the top. He asked me what I thought of Taleb's arguments. I told him it sounds like someone that hasn't even spent 100 hours studying it.
Bitcoin exposes people in many ways. Not just those of us that use it, but those that oppose it. Taleb is a believer in the systems that run the world today. He's of the same mind as Buffet on money and centralized control. Pretty wild to watch.
You would think and I know this is crazy sounding but if you are trying to cultivate a following you wouldn't say such stupid stuff about how you do not care if it goes to a million. At the end of the day he is a salesman with his book and his ideas and he defeats these with idiotic comments like this.
You are the MVP!
The "price of gold is the price of a nice suit"
One ounce of gold is currently $1979
Designer suits start at $1000
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