Oeh, yay... Only ten more years before the tables turn, awesome.
this territory is moderated
step one: less sarcasm
step two: job
Someone's keeping a tab on me, huh?
step three: get your own place
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah buddy, you come over to the Netherlands and find a place to build something up, it's not gonna happen without taking up debt for 40+ years.
Huh. I was reading this and thought to myself, 'Man, being in the USA really must suck!' I never expected you to be from the Netherlands.
As a fellow Dutchie, I'm really surprised by this. I'm older now (>35 years), but I had a very different experience between the ages of 14 and 23 (when I met my wife). It was always easy to get a date, and we were treated as equals, either treating each other or splitting bills (going Dutch). Is there a difference between big cities and small towns? I'm from a small town myself.
There will be a difference, albeit one that's getting smaller.
You're >35, I've just turned 25, which means that there's a solid 10-year-gap between us; I think social media and general brain rot (leftism and equality BS) wasn't as bad as it is today "back then", but oh well: I'll see when I ask a few girls if they'd like to get to know me. 🙂
Get out of the Netherlands
As if there's anywhere in the western world where women haven't been weaponized in this way...
Stay where you're at kid, and focus on money and health.
No need to even stay in the western world - rest of the world is a big place.
But if he does stay, Eastern Europe is better than Western in terms of dating and cost of living.
If you starting improving now, you will get positive results sooner than you imagined.
The importance is trying to improve vs actual improvement.
Women respect effort.
Women respect effort.
Yeah, ah-huh, just as my sister does... Not 😆
Sorry, I had to, but I get what you're after.
Good thing you aren't shooting for your sister then!
Stack harder Lift weights Climb mountains Break the laws of physics
You can just decide to build yourself into a valuable person on a shorter timeline if that is what you actually want
The years will come faster than you think heh
And then you'll want them to slow down...