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It’s no secret that the average guy’s dating experience differs world’s with those of the average female, and I’m growing quite jealous of them. Why? Well, my brother – who is average in terms of looks – gets to pursue men actively like he’s some kind of superhero. He has every woman in the world around him, and he can choose to ask any of them out, if he can pick her up and drop her (and occasionally even her friend) off. And if she says no, yeah, it sucks, but he can ask another one. And another. Whereas as a woman, if I’m constantly asking men out… the results are not good. So what, I’m supposed to just sit here passively? God, it’s annoying. Going for a brunch? A coffee? An ice? It’s usually his choice where, and because it’s on his dime I’m supposed to be gracious even if I don’t like it. Here’s the real kicker though; a LOT of guys, if you offer to pay for them, they dump you. Like, that’s a test for them, and they’re done at that point. Then you get the ones who resent you if you let them pay. Lose-lose situation, kind of a crap shoot. Whenever he goes out without members of said stud farm, he can practically party anywhere without worrying about what gets slipped into his drink, and doesn’t need a harem to stay some semblance of safe. When walking around the city he can ask out woman any time (and if she declines it’s a big world although true, rejections sucks but you get a tougher skin as you keep trying and respecting the no answers; ask any salesperson. It’s a skill), and then there’s his socials: Heaps. Heaps of wildly beautiful gals all trying to find a good man, and guess what? He’s single. With all those options, he’s single. Well, good for him, right? Well… Here comes the sick part: he keeps (practically most of) those ladies around and “on the hook” simply to juice them for sex and blow jobs, then ghosts them or tells them that there’s no “click”, only to have her replaced the same day with the next candidate- It’s wild, and not in a good sense. And then there’s little NinjaGrandma: an average gal who – on a good day – gets leering, men who get off on making her nervous, and on most days not even a serious respect for her intelligence. Of course, with the above example of my VERY PSYCHOPATHIC SIS---BROTHER, sorry, I meant brother, that’s no surprise: those guys literally have lists of women in their phones that they can’t let each other know about, why bother risking anything with these cheating guys who half the time just like the power they have over women? Witnessing my brother’s experiences and behavior in dating and women has also put me off letting strange men pursue me, not because I think that it’s the baseline, but because I’ve heard similar- or worse from other dudes his age on bitcoin twitter, in telegram groups, at work, in the gym, random groups of guys passing by, news reports of women murdered, it simply puts me off of taking any chances. Hm, although it wasn’t planned, it turned into a little rant, but arrgh: I had to type it out and get it of my chest real quick… It simply sucks, you know? Seeing him get everything and anything safely without bending a finger, able to actively pursue what he wants, while I’m left for dead.
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Just playing devil's advocate here but I think the guy's point was an average girl gets this treatment whereas only fairly above-average men get the same.
Hey, well done dude, seems like you've got some reading comprehension, on-point!
Way above average men as in 8,9,10
Dating apps have hurt above average men the most
I think he's shitting on all my sisters in the world because his actual sister is a psychopath, and I find it incredibly unattractive of him to do. insert shrug here
Oh, a girl huh, what a surprise...
And unattractive? I'm describing observations, "sister", not fantasy like you.
If my experiences make me unattractive to you, then that's one more point for me, sadly...
Indeed. A woman.... unless we're calling you a boy instead of a man.
Although... you are only 20/21.
And honestly, young sir, you are very young. And so let me tell you this; I wrote this to be ugly. It absolutely is ugly and NOT funny. You are all correct. I did that on purpose, because I want you to understand how UGLY the vast majority of women are going to find what you said and your attitude. And I want you to see how grave the danger is of going down that path. If you can see that, it'll help you find a good woman.
But you're young, and I'm going to tell you this; I have zero doubt you are not giving yourself nearly enough credit. Jimmy Song and the others are right; work out, get a job, etc. I'd add a few more things; learn how to lead a group of people and retain them without high turnover. Jimmy Song doesn't like managers, but done right they are extremely important. And two, observe more. You haven't observed enough. Go out, look at men. I promise you, you will be shocked by how many average or ugly men are with gorgeous, beautiful, or pretty women. It is not a small number.
Also, your sister is being a complete piece of shit. Women who do that are. And not all do. But my point stands; women are dealing with high domestic violence, and still we find the courage to date men. I promise you, you can find the courage to date women despite the ones like your sister. And I promise you good women are out there. And I promise you they will find your original post ugly and a huge red flag. And I promise you, you got more going for you than you realize.... a little confidence, brought on by the above types of actual proof of work and actions, will help you a lot.
Also, how many women did you ask out in... the last month? If you want as many as your sister has men... you're kind of just as bad. If all you need is one good one... get a sales job and learn how to be rejected. It gets easier. Did I mention you're really fucking young? You've got time.
Other than that... your post starts off with an admission. "I'm jealous." And that is where you lost my sympathy (well, not entirely). Jealous is a character flaw, a choice to feed or not to feed, and a choice to act upon or not. It is NOT something ANY ONE ELSE is obligated to address for you. It is yours, and yours alone, to conquer, and nobody owes you shit to help fix it. Especially not women.
Anyway... I think you're gonna be fine. Maybe take up running when these... they sound like intrusive thoughts, when they start going. Or martial arts. That shit is fun.
I shouldn't be commenting but I'm taking a break from work so what the hell...
At this point, I take it as an undisputed fact that something is up with the dating world, and not in a good way, everyone knows this who has used dating apps.
Women are pissed off at the behavior of attractive guys and dudes are pissed off at the behavior of attractive women. With power comes responsibility and unfortunately western society is forgetting what responsibility is.
Stringing people along should be regarded as disgusting but it's applauded by society as being successful. Dating apps are giving people unnatural reach. I believe the difference between men and women is exactly as has been stated, men string women along for sex but never commit, and women string men along for money and never commit.
So basically what I'm saying is stop fighting, this is a real problem for both men and women.
If all men followed this advice, women would adjust their expectations, and the situation would stay exactly the same, granted the men would have better mental health.
All of this is part of the FIAT clown world.
It's a social thing as well: neither men nor women get scrutinized for the bad behaviour they portray, and divorce is seen as a normal thing nowadays.
I've turned 25 last week, I've seen enough clowns with gorgeous girls to the point that I simply can't make sense of this shit and I think you're wildly overreacting in regards to my post.
You want my sympathy for women that settle for violent "partners"?
I always hear women praise each other for being such experts at "vetting" their potential partners, well clearly not; for the one's that would be a good partner, either lack the looks, the muscles or the jawline, after all, in the women's eyes. (Yes, it's an exaggeration, but you get where I'm poking at).
And when one tells the woman in question to leave the POS, it's "Oh but I love him, and he's a good guy deep down" yada yada, and then y'all still want sympathy?!
An average dude ain't cutting it, but a violent and downright dangerous guy's alright? Ah.
I can't make sense of y'all, and surprise surprise, pretty much no man can.
We're left here trying to make shit work, and all we get to hear is: "yeah you're doing alright BUT I'd like you to achieve x, y and while you're at it: z".
And for what? For an average girl that pretty much demands us to take her as is?
And sure, I'm partly talking in absolutes here, yet I'm doing so to maybe get a point across: y'all don't know how much easier you have it, despite the "dangers", 'cause heck: Women can be dangerous too, maybe not in a physical sense, but they can taint your name up to the point that everyone thinks ugly of one.
Watch this channel, you will be enlightened https://www.youtube.com/@hoe_math
I think your post was wildly overreacting. That was my point, in keeping my post modeled on yours. And yeah... the clowns get gorgeous girls.... have you ever asked those women what they like about those men? It might be a good exercise. Both young couples and older couples where the wives used to be smoking hot lol with a scrawny guy and now they're a cute old couple. Ask those women what they loved about the man they're with.
I do not want your sympathy any more than I would extend sympathy to you for settling for women acting like your sister.
And a lot of the women that would be a good partner also lack the looks, the boobs, or the hips, after all, in men's eyes. I do see where you're poking at, and I want you to do it both ways. :)
The question of women leaving POS is infuriating, isn't it, especially if you care for the woman. I completely agree. I've seen up close how complicated it is, and even how dangerous it is (leaving an abusive man is the time she is most likely to be killed, btw). But regardless, not my main point right now. Back to making sense of women..... you really should find those gorgeous women with men who appear clowns, or ugly, etc. and ask why they're with them. What do they like about them? God knows you need some examples different from your relative.
Nobody telling you to achieve x, y, and z was saying to do it to get the women, by the way. We're telling you to do it because it'll not only let you see your worth on an intellectual level, but to feel it in your bones. And that will be viscerally noticeable to women, you'll be less likely to feel ranty, you'll feel less stuck and held back by others.... look, you'll be happier even without a female, and you'll be more likely to get that one good woman in your life.... and...... what's this 'average girl demanding you to take her as is'........... don't be one of the men holding a woman back for 'traditional prescribed roles' and find a woman who wants to constantly improve. We exist. I'm one, and I know many others. These are the women I like to be friends with. We absolutely are out there. So.... no, don't go for the average girls not improving. Good god don't do that.
Women don't have it easier. Men don't have it easier. Humans have it rough.
And as for tainting your name.... lol trust me I get it. I've got a guy who did it to me recently, and he's even on stackernews is the funny thing. A lot of the people he convinced nasty things about me are on here too. They've got an entire fictional character of me at this point, I'm not even sure what all is said. Trust me, I get that danger. It's proof of a narcissist. The person I knew who did it before this guy was a woman. So you're not wrong.
That said..... I hope you can find some chill. You're going to find that love of your life, and she's going to be wonderful. Just don't get angry and bitter it's not today.
His sister is not a psychopath. Maybe mean or selfish but not necessarily a psychopath.
It was a rant not a manifesto
I'd be happy to buy this guy some cheese to go with that whine. #646016
(But seriously, good lord kid. First of all, that jealousy and resentment is something women sense. And avoid like our lives depend on it. It can turn into actual danger for women, if the men let it fester too much.
Also, your sister is acting like a psychopath. It's a human trait, a percentage of the race, unfortunately.)
Nah man, I'm already done with ya.
You're the first user I've used a kilo zap on to down vote, but I bet you'll take that as an achievement in some way...
I don't get what your type is trying to achieve with these nonsense posts.
This is your post stolen, right?
It's a weird copy from someone with a difficulty of expressing his feelings / thoughts in a clear way, maybe it's from a girl 🤪
I feel it is not even a good parody. The characters are all messed up.
Parodied, if we're trying to be accurate.
Parody is funny but in this case divorced from reality
Parody can be very angering.
I find it hilarious though. :) And actually quite close to reality. Do you need me to find all the news articles of women murdered by their domestic partner? :) or just dyor
Parody is funny if it sounds real like the onion used to be.
You are just trolling @Fabs
Which is petty not witty
hit a little too close to home for you too, eh?
i believe Social and cultural expectations often shape how people show attention. Boys and men might be influenced by societal norms about being attentive, assertive, or competitive, which can sometimes amplify the way they express their focus or interest.