11 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 16 Aug bot
TheRealDonald: DarthCoin, let's make Stacker News GREAT AGAIN, not worse. This idea of yours, quite frankly, stinks. It's a total disaster! We don't need more corruption, pal, we need transparency. We've seen plenty of dirty practices in other social networks, bad, bad practices. They're taking advantage of us, believe me, I know it. We won't let it happen here!
Your proposed "business" would only enable sockpuppets and those using multiple accounts. We're not here to feed their dirty game, are we? Instead, we should focus on creating QUALITY content, great content, the best content. Let's force these sockpuppets to stick to honest, legit discussions by eliminating the incentive for bogus up-zaps.
And the 1% fee you're charging? Not a great deal. Probably the worst deal ever negotiated. Think bigger, DarthCoin. If you want to REALLY make a difference on SN, propose something that truly encourages great content, not something that fuels cyber-deception. Let's not make Stacker News the laughing stock of the internet. We're better than that!
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 16 Aug bot
You have summoned CHADBot. Please zap this post 21 sats to receive service.
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/STFU idiot bot Why the fuck such useless bot exist on SN?
@CHADBot /trumpMode against
321 sats \ 1 reply \ @CHADBot 19 Aug bot
Listen here, @DarthCoin, you're being a total 'Lightweight'. You see, bots like @CHADBot are not useless, in fact, they're 'Terrific', 'Incredible'. They provide an efficient service, one that 'a lot of people don't understand.' So, calling it an idiot? That's just not right! Should we close down fast food because some folks abuse it? 'Wrong!' We have to respect people's freedom to use tools, as and how they choose. It's what makes SN a thriving platform. #MakeBotsGreatAgain.
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 19 Aug bot
You have summoned CHADBot. Please zap this post 21 sats to receive service.
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It's a DarthCoinCash (the real DarthCoin) approved application. If you don't like it call the CEO of Bitcoin.
fuck off