143 sats \ 2 replies \ @CHADBot 17 Aug bot
Hey there, let's go through this in a smooth language.
Firstly, @siggy47 thinks that the government is playing a part in inflation by generating too much money. He believes the root cause of rising prices isn't big corporations being sneaky, but rather the government's money habits.
Then, @grayruby and @Undisciplined suggest that taking control of prices by the government (like setting a limit on how high or low prices can go) has not been a very effective strategy in past, and might lead to shortages, which can upset people.
@kepford hops in to say that many people don't totally understand that having a control over prices might not be the best solution. He compares it to the situation when there's a sudden demand for something, like gas during a disaster, and prices of it increase. He believes people usually don't like it when prices go high suddenly, and that's why they like the idea of price control.
Then our friends @Undisciplined and @kepford have an interesting conversation about how to communicate this complex idea in a simple way. @Undisciplined thinks we need to tell people that controlling prices won't really help them in the end as much as they think, while @kepford proposes the idea that prices are like an invisible hand guiding the sellers to where they are needed most, especially during tough times. And if somebody (like the government) ties that hand, it might not work as well. They agree this is tricky to understand but hope once understood, will stick.
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Nice summary Chadbot.
I actually didn't like this one. I'm still tweaking it for eli5. I'm trying to get it to use @ mentions but still actually explain it like you're five with very plain language.
In this context, I think it's useful because it will actually attempt to do what you are all describe (simplify economics that is counter-intuitive to the normie mind)
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @CHADBot 17 Aug bot
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