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Peace with the monsters (and the population that actively supported them) that butchered, maimed, raped and burned alive women, children, and elderly for no purpose other than to satisfy their lust for Jewish blood? And who still hold in their possession kidnapped civilian men, women and children who weren't involved in any military operations? You must be some type of comedian, but this isn't even funny.
Netanyahu's only fault is that he's even sitting down at the table with these animals, and not flattening Gaza, transferring the hostile Gazan population to Turkey or Dagestan and starving to submission anyone who chooses to remain in Gaza (humanitarian aid - including material for arms and ammo - is still freely flowing into Gaza, sponsored by the Biden administration and the EU).
this territory is moderated
Monsters and animals? Dehumanization of the victims is the first step in a genocide, although in this case they're about half way done .
They're almost entirely finished with the ethnic cleansing that Israel was founded on.
They've dehumanized themselves with the atrocities they committed on October 7 (and prior to that). You're the one doing the dehumanizing by denying this - the dehumanization of the Jewish population of Israel. Are you also not okay with calling the Nazis animals? Because Hamas and the Palestinian national movement are direct ideological descendants of Nazi Germany. This is well documented. The stated goal of both is eradication of the Jews as a race. Do you deny this as well?
We can go back and forth on this as people have been doing for ages. Perhaps I'll understand better if we put Gaza aside for a moment. Can you explain to me what's been going on in the West Bank for the past 20 years or so?
Just examine the facts objectively. Read about the history of the Jews and the Arabs in the land of Israel and the back and forth will come to an end. It's very clear cut who has what status in the land and what each side's intentions are.
What specifically are you referring to? A lot has been going on in the west bank.
Well, the PA is in charge, Hamas has no influence there, an agreement was made, and Israel has been stealing land gradually, while denying Palestinians basic rights. The first settlements were supposedly to create a "buffer zone." Now, there isn't even a pretense. Israel has been conducting a full scale invasion, stealing property, and committing violence against anyone who objects, all with the open support of the IDF.
Well, you're making multiple inaccurate statements so I'll break it down for you:
  1. Hamas has major influence in the west bank. They hold over 50% of the seats in the Palestinian legislative council.
  2. Hamas and the PA have identical objectives: to eradicate the Jews as a nation in the land of Israel and (best case, after not having killed them) turn them into a dhimmi - a subjected minority subservient to Arab/Islamic rule. The only difference between the Hamas and the PA is methodology and branding: hamas are islamists whereas the PA is neo-marxist. As we say in Israel: "These are murderers with beards and these are murderers with mustaches." I suggest you read the charters of the PLO and Hamas. Not only that but PA "policemen" and members of its military wing's Al Aqsa brigades were and are regularly involved in terrorism and premeditated lethal attacks against civilian men, women, children for no other purpose than to see Jewish blood spilled.
  3. There is no such thing as a Palestinian national entity. There never was and there can never be. "Palestine" was the name given to the province of Judea by Hadrian after he decimated the Jewish population of the province in the aftermath of the Ben Kuziba (kochba) revolt in 135 CE. The following occupiers of the land (Byzantines, Arabs, mamluks, Ottomans, British) retained the name as a geographical designation and nothing more. In fact Jews themselves prior to the founding of the state of Israel referred to themsleves as Palestinians, not as a national identity of course, but rather as a geographical identifier.
  4. The Arabs present in the land first came as invaders and occupiers in the aftermath of the Islamic conquests and expansion in the 7th century - and then just as a trickle. Until the 20th century it was sparsely populated by mostly poor illiterate Arabs and considered a backwater of any empire ruling over it. No conqueror gave it much though as it was a barren desolate land. In the 1830s as a result of Muhammad Ali's rebellion against the Turks, in which he established semiautonomous rule and handed out lands to his supporters did the land see an increase in its Arab population, but even then very moderately. In the 20th century as a result of the establishment of large scale agriculture by Jews which demanded labor, more Arabs from surrounding countries came to settle in the land, as the estate holders preferred cheap Arab labor to more expensive and less experienced Jewish labor. The Jewish presence in Palestine goes back to over 3500 years when Abraham first moved to the land after receiving a directive from the most high and his son Isaac and grandson Jacob establishing autonomous political Hebrew entities. The land from then on was consecutively populated by Jews/tribes of Israel as sovereign majority rulers and Hebrew kingdoms and national federations were established and maintained for the course of over a millenia (barring the subjugation in Egypt and Babylonian exile) at its peak extending from the Nile (el arish) and red sea to the Euphrates. The land was known in the world as Judea and Israel [and its people Jews and Israelites] (until 135 CE as mentioned above). Therefore, any notion of Jews stealing land from foreign occupiers such as the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian is a fiction of the basest form. Notwithstanding that, 80% of the land in the west bank is public lands (a status inherited from pre-1967 Jordanian occupation) and by common and international law falls under the jurisdiction and custodianship of the ruling sovereign who in this case is Israel (the Israeli shekel is the currency in circulation in the west bank and Gaza). The property rights of the remaining lands that are in private Arab hands are actually respected and enforced by Israeli courts and administration. There are many court decisions in favor of Arab landholders in the west bank. Feel free to search the internet to verify that I'm not BSing you.
  5. Israeli rule initially respected the natural rights of all Arabs in the west bank and Gaza but as the years progressed and the Arabs demonstrated that their priority was to kill Jews rather than live peacefully the IDF had to resort to violating their rights as common law would dictate.
  6. The settlements weren't established with the stated intention of creating a buffer zone (even though this is de facto what they function as, and justifiably so) but rather as a materialization of the right of Jews to fulfill the divine statute of settling the land and preventing foreign occupiers from stealing the land. Regardless they function, now more than ever, as a major buffer and are strategically located in such a way that makes it much more difficult for the Arabs in the west bank cities to organize and launch full scale terrorist attacks against major Jewish population centers.
The children in Gaza who are being killed and maimed in far greater numbers have supported nothing and harmed no one. That you advocate eradicating them makes your claims of them being the monsters ring rather hollow.
Numbers aren't an indication of moral superiority. That Israel succeeds in protecting its population more effectively than the Palestinian leadership is a testament to how little Palestinian leadership values the life of its own people. Not one gazan had to die since this war broke out were it not for the atrocities the Palestinian leadership with the support of the very same population whose children you're so concerned about committed.
You've let yourself get to a deranged mental state if you advocate for slaughtering children, which you did. It's not those children's fault that their society can't protect them from yours. Also, by that same logic, the Israelis who were killed really have no one to blame but the IDF, since it failed to protect them.
I'm sorry that you can't see how morally perverse you've become. Get well soon.
OK, now you're just being ridiculous. You obviously know no one involved in this conflict nor very much about it to claim that I advocate the slaughtering of children because I argued that the Palestinian leadership in effect uses its [mostly] complicit populace as combatants in the form of human shields and thus Palestinians suffer many more casualties. If you can't distinguish between targeted premeditated killing of women, children and elderly (who were obviously not involved in any combat operations nor even in close proximity to military installations) and collateral damage as a result of reckless premeditated usage of civilians and civilian infrastructure as human shields in a military setting then you're a sorry person who seriously can't distinguish good from evil.
Just out of curiosity, in your opinion, were the 'nova' rave party goers military combatants who deserved to be mowed down by machine guns? How about kibbutz Be'eri's children whose heads were decapitated at point blank?
The most ridiculous part of your post is the patronizing tone and language you use. Have you ever been in the military? In a combat situation? Have you ever been to Israel? (Can you even point Israel out on a map?) It's unbelievable how internet anons who know next to nothing about global politics, warfare and history (or take more than a casual interest), when it comes to Israel, are all of a sudden very well versed in Palestinian history/military affairs and feel entitled to become moral authorities. Check your head homey
Netanyahu's only fault is that he's even sitting down at the table with these animals, and not flattening Gaza, transferring the hostile Gazan population to Turkey or Dagestan and starving to submission anyone who chooses to remain in Gaza
Your words, not mine.
Yes, submission means ceasing aggression i.e. unprovoked premeditated killing of Jews. Or is that something you support?
Good luck with the repercussions of this escalation. Israel has put
Itself under existential pressure
The Jews have been under existential pressure for +3000 years
Well... I know, believe me And this time the alliance is disappearing. Bibi went too far. Europe needs cheap energy from this region and will let him fall.