This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Really liking this grey out feature on SN!
I don't drink milk. I drink half n' half or thiccer.
I'm a whole cream kind of fella, personally.
I love raw milk. I am lucky that I live in a rural area with lots of cows and I can have anytime fresh raw milk. Beers and raw milk makes me healthy :) Every morning a big cup of fresh raw milk is amazing. I am 50+ years old and I am healthier than a 30 yrs one. Doctors don't know me.
Here is a funny based amish fighting for his raw milk
I'll have to try it some day just to know what it tastes like. Milk based creamers are getting harder to find.
That Amish is based. Why would anyone help themselves get searched??
What explains the huge rise in Bitcoin mining hashpower recently? Any idea?
Energy prices in some areas may actually be declining which makes mining profitable again? Not data to fully support this but a thought
My assumption: There were a number of rigs that got powered down by around mid-May as they no longer remained profitable when the exchange rate collapsed. When it was apparent the price wasn't going to quickly rebound (i.e., in a bear market) there were then decommissioned, boxed, and sold to someone else who has a lower cost of electricity and are now being powered back on.
Similar sentiment stated in the mining section of this weekly newsletter:
3nm chips coming online but im just guessing
I guess the miners is receiving their equipment which they ordered months ago.
The onion address doesn’t seem to be working with the newest Tor Browser.
For those who secure their stack with multisig, what M-of-N did you choose and why?
I'm a fan of 2-of-3. Ideally, you'd have 1 hardware, 1 mobile and 1 in encrypted cloud backup or with a trusted family member.
I want security, self custody and viable options for recovery.
The scenario that this doesn't cover is the "What if my house burns down and I lose 2 keys". To resolve that scenario, we need to advance multi-sig UX (which is also a part of what I'm currently working on).
Regarding "house burns down" ... couldn't you just duplicate the hardware wallet and keep it in a vehicle or another third location? Is there a threat vector there that I am missing? Are you self-hosting your "cloud"?
You could, for sure. I'm not keen on leaving a key in the car, but you could certainly duplicate it and store it somewhere safe.
In terms of cloud, I'm currently building a product for this. Initially not self-hosted but working towards that option and the fun UX things we can do like key sharing to a family member etc.