awesome! i tried to do the lnbits wallet over tor, and ran into the same issues i had when i tried before. after pressing attach, the button pulses for a few seconds, then a network error message in the logs:
2m error NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
@ek could it be a timeout?
send and receive nwc works perfectly though!
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 29 Aug
Mhh, it would say timeout then. LNbits over Tor also only works for receiving unfortunately.
right on. i tried just the receive key and get a 'failed to create test invoice fetch failed' error.
this wont be much of an issue imo once lnc has send / receive and once albyhub is available on umbrel/start9, as one can make sub wallets using nwc strings. dont imagine too many people wanting to use lnbits tor at that point.
Oh, right, I should've checked which side. I wonder if sending would work in Tor browser.