Rewards aren’t about quantity, they’re about quality among other things.
You can read the FAQ for details.
Thank you sir for the reply but he stacker that qas on 10th rank does not seem to provide any type of quality. He just zapped 500 sats that too not on one post. His post did not gather any engagement and be didn't make any comment. So, my question is - Can someone be up on the leaderboard without getting too much engagement? How the stacker whi was on 10th rank provided more quality than @BitcoinErrorLog, @Bell_curve @DarthCoin and many other stackers placed below him. These are the stackers, aa I can see provide way more value than a random stacker who just zapping 500 sats in the whole day.
I said many times: on SN do not focus on how much sats you earn. SN is not about "earning sats" but about sharing good content, PAYING with sats to post. Few things stackers should think about, using SN:
  • Consider the reward system as a bonus for sharing knowledge and helping others.
  • Spend wisely your sats, zap wisely
  • Keep a balance between what you spend and what you get. Balance into the force is important. I know, is not easy to keep that balance, but think in long term, not in days or weeks.