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  • stacker is in hiding for September 8, 2023
  • @k00b
    • 16.1k stacked \ 15k spent \ 6 posts \ 7 comments \ September 8, 2022
  • @sha256
    • 9 stacked \ 9 spent \ 3 posts \ 1 comment \ September 8, 2021

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  • ~bitcoin
    • 37.9k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 52.7k spent \ 93 posts \ 211 comments \ September 8, 2023
  • ~bitcoin
    • 36.5k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 102.5k spent \ 106 posts \ 211 comments \ September 8, 2022
  • ~bitcoin
    • 89 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 141 spent \ 19 posts \ 24 comments \ September 8, 2021
I've listened that Swan now aims to get them listed! The Swan IPO was a rumour?
The post by @MaxAWebster #67649 connects to a great article everyone must read.
I think Swan got too big for their britches. They recently had to lay off a bunch of people and they cancelled Pacific bitcoin. Either VC funding dried up or ETFs are eating into their High Net Worth market share.