The result of weak money, weak men, weak families and, of course, “feminism.” I reckon this is also why women are so much more likely to vote for socialists and adjacent ideologies - intuitively, they know something is broken and that they are not responsible for protecting and providing - at the same time, they’ve been gaslit to think that having and supporting a strong male presence is supporting “the patriarchy.” In addition, in the age of soyboys and eternal manchildren, such a presence is probably not easy to come by.
The biggest feminists in the world are masculine men. Because they allow for the women to fully embody their femininity. The foundation of protection and provision they supply gives women the safe environment to be feminine; to be gentle, caring, nurturing, loving - without the fear of being taken advantage of as a result of doing so.
Eternal manchildren is a big one. Rather play video games and do other things like play fantasy football then building a family and working to make your community better
The crisis of feminism is due to the failure of masculinity. On average men have failed women.
87 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 9 Sep
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