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Because my selection of hardware wallets is slowly approaching double digits, I would be interested to know which wallet you prefer.
And why?
Ledger ๐Ÿง3.8%
Specter DIY1.9%
Specter Shield0.0%
52 votes
None. For me are all fancy toys.
But which way do you prefer then?
Type the seedwords in Sparrow? ๐Ÿง
Yes Tails is an option.
I watched a video from 402paymentrequired
Thatโ€™s really cool. But as always
security != good ux (normie)
Even a normie can use steganography...
Complexity it doesn't mean more security... sometimes simple things can hide in plain sight treasuries that nobody will think about their existence.
On the other hand... if somebody will see you handling a BTC HW device, will know... so you will be a target.
I donโ€™t think there will ever be a point in time where you can show your support of Bitcoin without making yourself a target. Itโ€™s unfortunate but the way it is.
I never used any of these.
You forgot Foundation!
I really like Trezor's products. I love coldcard's cypherpunkness too. Either way, a multi-device setup is the way to go.
Yep, I typed Foundation on position 20.
But then I lacked with โ€žotherโ€œ ๐Ÿซฃ
I only have ever had a trezor. It has worked fine for me so I stick with it. I am clueless though. Is ledger a bad option?
Not at all, the noise around Ledger is group think and/or marketing. The point of a hardware wallet is to use what works the best for you and something not connected on the Internet.
I selected Ledger, mainly because of group think. Since everyone hate it I love it. That being said, I have a DIY Jade and DIY Seed Signer, these are the 2 main devices I use. The first is easily connected with a smartphone to send signed transactions, easier to recharge my lightning channel, so there is conveniency there. The second has a nice backup method with qr codes and a nice UI. And since there is a passphrase even if someone discovers it I know the funds won't be transferred right away.
They are all third party gadgets that prevent you from learning how to create your own cold storage that will be more secure and much more durable than any HW.
Started with Ledger during shitcoin days. Moved on to Jade and Seedsigner. Love the gapless capability!
Yes, airgapped is so much fun ๐Ÿงก
Phonix wallet
Anything open source would be good. Once your more advanced, colcard/seesigner. I think a good intro one is trezor, bitbox or jade.
It actually uses the hw as signing devices.
Nice try, fed. (I had to)
Cold card and seedsigner neck and neck.
@NVK we need another rant!
I tapped Coldcard because, I much prefer it to Ledger. Just my personal pref.
I like the fact that you never need data to traverse the USB, same with Seedsigner. I feel like this is the way it should be. Ig I'm signing transactions, and I don't know whether or not the data could be exfiltrated, not sure I should be using that.
Can Ledger Nano's be used safely? I just feel kinda weird about them.
Yeah I also like the Specter.
Airgapped is top notch
Just had a look at the Shield, these wallets are getting very high-end. I'd be afraid of dropping it.
Haven't heard much about the twenty-two in practice yet, but I'd love to get one for the novelty if nothing else.
It seems there best is when you least trust. Most secure would be to create a paper wallet in a secure environment on a dedicated offline machine by using tails but that is too much work for a beginner. Next most secure are DIYs and then all these hardware wallets.
What do you think of tapsigner?
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