I know you’ve spoken/written about your childhood in other threads, but my god you’ve been through some shit. Obviously I don’t know you personally, and I don’t know what you do outside of SN, but I think it’s wonderful how you’ve turned out, especially considering what you’ve gone through.
As I wrote this, I realized it’s really hard to not sound condescending in this statement, so I hope it’s clear that I’m not trying to be that way, but rather am trying to leave a genuine representation of my perspective.
Why is it condescending? I find the most brilliant interesting people come from struggles. In the past, I have wondered if my kids will lack character after not going through as much. I think it's just different paths create different strengths. It's all divinely right on time.
I think it could be interpreted as condescending, like “no one expected you to do anything good, we’re surprised you did.” I wanted to make sure it didn’t come across that way
I get it. I don't think you came across like that.
Whew 😅
I think @k00b knows everyone loves him here.