This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Today I linked the raspberrypi (with a dynamic IP) via DynDNS to a static domain. Next I will connect the game prototype to a Mongo database.
A question for the devs out there:
Would you rather host Bicoind and Lnd yourself on the same mashine or use a service to process the lighning transactions into and out of the game?
I would like to have the choice. Using a service is good to check out the game.
If one gets more serious about the game, self hosting would be cool.
So I think you can start with using a service but should keep in mind to add the option for self hosting in the long term.
I’d put the bitcoin/lightning bits on another box/behind a service.
What are your thoughts on using DynDNS over buying a traditional domain?
in my past I developed other games and bought too early the domains. And after some years passed and the game did not worked out had to drop the domains again. And another thing is I am so early in the developing this game that I do not even have a name for it :D
сейчас стоит вопрос в том... кто больше хочет . купить за биткоин или продат... все остальное сделает спрос и предложение
Not sure if anyone asked before, just came across a comment in Russian and realised that having some kind of "translate" button, similar to Twitter would be awesome. Not sure if that's even possible here, just a thought.
Wonder how much those translate APIs cost twitter/IG etc. Maybe SN can charge a sat or two to when you click "translate post" ... 🤔
That's an idea! Could make using an API-based system doable.
deepL has an API.
I'd like to have thematic constant sub-threads specifically for different languages.
I would prefer to have it (messily) bundled together, with a button (or automatically) that would translate the whole thread/page, while somehow (using a small flag) marked the translated comments so we can run the original in a different translator if the comment doesn't make sense.
Probably this feature may come first. I assume it may use some Google API although I am not sure about all implications.
I think @k00b was keen to dedicate some time to this, but not sure how highly it ranks against non-custodial SN and tags/categories or other features. Here's the link to a quick convo in a prior SN daily thread.
Lots of options mentioned in that thread too. Great to know they're already on it, it's just a matter of time.
Проблема разности языков! мыслим все одинаково! но сказать не модем 2+2=....
Exactly! At least we all speak the best language of all, Bitcoin.
Да и это будет язык програмирования.... эволюционируем по чу-чуть...
Weimar Laser Eyes 100K ends in 4 hours.
A poster with real Weimar bill for office/workspace.
Pepe changer and his wife (oil on canvas) ends in a day.
@koob have you ever considered Stack Overflow-like functionality for SN?
Regarding my comment earlier #69220
Yes, we are experimenting with dev bounties right now. What they're developing is a little more generic than a Q&A but it's the beginning of such a thing.
It basically lets you create a 'bounty' type post: "best answer to my question gets 10000 sats."
Yesss, looking forward to this!