I'd call myself pretty compromising and think I'm pretty open to people with different views. I'd stay friends with people that are rather left leaning and moderate Trumpsters.
But I'd definitely draw the line before literal communists (or people that literally call for killing the rich or dispossession of property) and definitely before Qanon, proud boys or Covid-conspiracy theorists. Of course, both of these things never happen in my upper-class bubble, fortunately.
This list will probably vary depending on your own views - **but what what is something that you strongly disagree over but can still be friends? **
I don't judge my friends based on their politics. That being said, I can't condone anyone calling for physical harm against anyone else or any group of people.
Agreed, physical harm is a hard no-go
Recently thought about Confederate flag and "Thin blue line". With the benefit of the doubt it's actually about loving their traditions/heritage/geographical identity and about supporting lawful, orderly societies. But in almost all cases it's a dog whistle about skin color. It's tricky.
Also one would have to assume that different politics implicitly also means different values in many other aspects. Could lead to unfortunate incidents if one the kind of person that wants to enjoy all sorts of adventures otherwise
Since Bitcoin, I don't care for politics at all. If someone's far to left or right, I always suggest them to opt out, using Bitcoin. Orangepil is the only political party I care about.
I only draw the line when they begin thinking less of people (ie evil or stupid or both) because of their politics. Most people think their politics are in the interests of everyone and very rarely do they construct them to purely harm other people and benefit themselves. Often, subconsciously, they advocate for things that are self-interested and harmful to others, but that's rarely their admitted and conscious intent.
There's a fair bit of psychological literature suggesting political "temperament" is innate and I tend to think that's the case. I even think we evolved innate differing beliefs because such construction benefits to us - ideas have to compete to win. Overall, I tend to see disagreeing as natural and beneficial.
I personally align with individualistic politics, and think they're "da best," but I accept how unpalatable they are for a lot of people who have different priorities.
Hmm, I also think that "thinking less of other people" is kind of a spectrum. We all port our prejudices through this world if we want to or not - but we as smart humans can choose to ignore them or not to act on them.
True. I guess I meant they begin thinking of them as sub-human or less worthy of humane treatment.
Politics of ANY spectrum is a total bullshit. Be yourself, be a sovereign individual that don't give a shit about any noise. Just follow Bitcoin path.
Kind of a cop out. You cannot tell me that you have no opinions on how would like your country to be run whatsoever.
What is a country? Is a fiction.
If you really want to refer to a country, where you live, it is your OWN BODY. The boundaries of your body are your boundaries of your country.
What do you refer as a country" is actually a state, that means A CORPORATION. Sorry but I am not part of that corporation. I am not a "citizen". I am simply a sovereign individual, doing my own business and don't give a shit about any politician, state or bullshit like that.
The more extremists they are the funnier the discussions are
That's true as well - sometimes one just has to laugh about stuff
To demean anyone believes, I simply can not stand that, that can of people that start laughing of others opinion, rational or criteria
Wdym? There is opinion whatsoever that you couldn't laugh about?
Oh really, if someone threatened physical harm to a TERF, misogynist, fascist or Nazi, you'd disown them.
Get a grip.
This post is 1,5 months old, how did you even stumble on this one?
And I don't even understand what you are trying to tell me?
Are they really your friends if they can't handle a disagreement or unwilling to listen to your different point of view?
Besides that - how can we really flesh out an idea if we are unwilling to ever be wrong or except that our friend might be incorrect? There are a ton of things that I said that ended up not being right...
If someone is getting heated about a particular subject I just say, 'Agree to disagree. We can move on to other topics until another time.'
So your answer to:
but what what is something that you strongly disagree over but can still be friends?
is literally everything?
Can't be friends with those who
  1. Deny racial differences
  2. Deny sex differences
  3. Deny IQ differences
Can't be friends with retards who deny reality lol