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Today, while out with my co-workers for some official work, I met this white dog as we waited for another co worker to join us. I couldn't resist giving it a few pats, but my co-worker seemed uninterested. I asked, 'Do you have dogs at home?' He shook his head and replied, 'I don't like dogs at all.' Can you imagine not loving dogs? 😅 It's surprising to meet people who don't like dogs... or cats either. I understand if circumstances don’t allow them to have pets, but the way they hate dogs just baffles me. How can anyone not love these innocent, loyal souls? Even if you don’t want to keep one, at least appreciate them.
How can people hate dogs? They are so adorable and love human beings unconditionally. I pity those who hate them.
Rephrase your question as Why do some people hate dogs?
Now to answer your question; it's just simple they don't have kindness for other species and sometimes they are so full of superiority complex being human. But being human doesn't mean to hate dogs.
Being human should mean embracing love for all creatures, not hatred. Rephrased on time. Thanks.
This has always baffled me. I feel sorry for those people. I feel like they must be in a lot of pain to block out that much love. DOG<>GOD
I agree. It's sad some people miss out on that.
It's usually not a character issue- They just aren't comfortable around dogs because they have no experience around dogs. I didn't grow up around pets so it took me a while but now I definitely go ga-ga around dogs.
Same reason some people aren't crazy about babies they're usually nervous and have little experience with kids.
A few people have been bitten as well.
White dogs are a sign! Ask yourself why that dog came to you in that exact moment. Was for a reason or sending a message. Also could be interpreted as a "guardian of your soul".
White dogs, in particular, are associated with various gods and goddesses, symbolizing purity, loyalty, and the divine. These dogs were often depicted as companions to deities, serving as symbols of their unwavering loyalty and protective nature.
I will consider myself blessed / protected by having a white dog.
It's interesting because I have heard something similar and yet different said about black cats. And they do seem like opposites in a sense.
One of our favorite cats ever was pure black. There is a definite fear people have for black cats. I have been told they are usually the last to be adopted.
I have a black cat. For me they are lucky. I have a black cat. For me, they are connected to our shadows and the moon. So beautiful. Some are afraid of their shadow.
I love Black cats. Black dogs too.
And black and white dogs
And white cats
Perhaps I have too many animals.
Never. We have 3 dogs and a cat.
That's a beautiful interpretation. I definitely felt special when the dog appeared at that moment.
It is a special moment in your life and that was sign. I suggest to meditate about. In general when your path is crossed by a white animal, but especially a dog, it means:
  • new beginnings and transformation
  • guidance and protection
  • peace and harmony
  • purity and innocence
Your life is about to change. Think about it.
definitely felt special
You can see it from his look and eyes. It is a special dog.
I have never heard that. That's awesome
I have been to some countriies where comparing a person to a dog is the ultimate slur. They are seen as dirty, disgusting animals. I really think this is common in more subsistence level societies, where dogs actually compete with humans for food. I guess it's understandable in that case.
I have a friend that doesn't like dogs and cats due to allergies.
It's totally understandable not to have dogs or cats around due to allergies. But not appreciating or loving them still feels a bit unusual to me.
because some people are assholes
Wet dog smell is the worst and I'm slightly allergic, but they are fun to watch!
I know islamic people dont like dogs. But it all depends on their life experiences. Imagine getting bit or chased by a dog. Those experiences follow you.
My aunt was getting out of her car recently and a large dog came out of nowhere and jumped on her. She fell and broke her hip, still hasn't healed and its been 6 months.
I've walked around my neighborhood and one of the neighbors and two very large dogs that got out of a fenced yard ran up to me barking like police dogs while baring their full teeth. I am lucky the owner got out in time to control them. Owner smiled and said, "don't worry their bark is worse than their bite". That is not an acceptable response by dog owners who lost control of their dogs who are being aggressive towards a stranger.
So yeah, I think that's part of why some people have an aversion to dogs, based on some personal bad experience.
Some dogs just hate people my nephew was bitten by two different dogs and he’s only a baby
Would not say I hate dogs, but not a big fan either. Was bitten by a dog in the ass as a kid. Also don't like the smell of them. But it's ok if it's friendly dog of relatives outside in a countryside, not going indoors.
There are those who hate dogs, because dogs are dirty, and if they are not looked after, they are afraid that their house will become dirty, so some people throw away the dog, replacing it with a new one.