I do not take the hype. I am totally skeptic with this.
Questions to be answered, before you jump in for this "announcement":
  1. Did somebody already reviewed that code? Or we have another case like ANOM?
  2. Are people still use onchain for payments on a mobile device? Seriously? In 2024?!
  • onchain is the final settlement, only for long term holding
  • LN is The Payment Network of Bitcoin that could offer waaaay more options for privacy. If you still didn't find them, it means you don't know too much about LN.
Living in the past (pre-LN era) will cost you a fortune if you are stuck and not adapting.
Part of the code is not open-source btw. It is missing the bitcoinj-core library which is using a binary instead
thanks for the heads up on this
seeing its release does make me think about supply chain attacks (if that's even the right word when they build the whole device) by intel agencies
yes. ideally someone could get the whole source code that composes the app, and build each piece one by one in their own machines, but this is not the case here so you have the right concern
You're right. I think the real impact is more "standing up to the man" than practical.
You already know my position about this whole case (that smells really bad)... Silk Road leads to Samourai: #520773
and I do not want to repeat again that "Darth is always right". We will see soon how it ends.
I like the theory. Who knows? I'll read the links