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A rare opportunity for the archived territories, instead of the creation of new ones, is especially welcome when the topic and the archived conversations align with the aims of the new territory owner. Learn more about Stacker News Territories and how they work here.
This is also a follow-up to my previous post about Latest 23 Weeks of Valuable Data Analysis for Territory Owners, I thought it could be fun to advertise the archived territories and see whether someone is interested in reviving some of them.
This huge collection of several months' worth is there for giving you a different level of perspective in the evolution of each of these territories. By buying this archived territory, you will get to know very useful information that will be helpful in informing you for your decisions and recommendations and using them to enhance your own territory management skills.

Key features

Most archived territory include are:
  • 70% revenue Guaranteed from posting fees, read more
  • Comprehensive data on top posts,
  • Adjustable Engagement rate,
  • Worthiness and Avrg Rev/Post included for life
  • Extra historical insights into territory performance
  • Unique perspectives on territory trends
  • Rare opportunity to access archived information
  • Rebrand and rename available after sale.


  • 16.67% OFF when renewing annually
  • Starting bids at 100k sats/month
  • Affordable Monthly or Annual payments available
  • One time single payment for life option available for exclusive buyers


For a better understanding and advantage in the SN ecosystem, do not miss this opportunity. Due to the neglect of the founders who did not pay the upkeep fee, these territories got archived.
To buy a territory, just access https://stacker.news/territory as if you were going to create a new one, but instead, you should insert the name of the territory you want to revive and inherit all the value already contained within.

Available Stacker News Territories

The following are archived territories, awaiting their next owner to revive them, ordered by Profitability rate:
TerritoryEngagement RateAvrg Rev/PostStackRateTotal RevenueTotal StackedTotal Spent# of Posts# of Comments

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Get in with an offer today and unlock the potential of these archived treasures on Stacker.news! ACT NOW and lock a place in SN history!


this territory is moderated
I considered buying either ~movies or ~videos and renaming to ~movies_and_videos. I still think that'd be a good one for someone to start.
BTW a famous territory is missing from this list, which is it stackers?
That's a nice idea. There also was ~podcast and ~Entertainment on the same similar topic. That mean yours will be the fifth intent.
I've probably forgotten some others:
Any other I've missed?
@BlokchainB just got ~Stacker_Stocks... it could have revived ~stocks!
I tried SN wouldn’t process the transaction
Hard to keep up haha, earth was the one I was thinking of. @birdeye21 🫡
Nice post! You really know how to sell. When SN NFTs ?
Thanks, I got some help!
deleted by author
How to check all current archived territories?
Not so intuitive...
  1. Go to the /top/territories/forever/ page
  2. Keep clicking the more button at the bottom
  3. ... and scroll down until you reach the genesis
  4. Click and open any territory you might be interested in a new tab to check if the archived tag appears. (those at the bottom are probably archived or new)
  5. Once you find a territory you want to revive, go ahead to the home menu and hit create at the bottom of the dropdown menu.
  6. In the name input field, insert the exact same name as the archived territory.
  7. Then break new grounds and proceed to inherit the old posts.