Keep in mind that even that is private, having so many back and forth payments, especially through few LSP, it could also trigger some "patterns". Not all LSP or routing nodes are "good guys".... choose wisely and learn better how to use LN with public and private nodes.
LOL maybe I should write a detailed guide about this. I wrote some in the past, but I do not like to give too many details in public about these aspects. I just want to show people the path. People still underestimate the power of LN... You have so many options and tools nowadays. Just using a single damn LN wallet is stupid.
Gotcha, the nostr relay works as LSP and keep the transactions records.
Now I see why cowboy credits are valuable 🤣
We all know that Car is a CIA agent, k00b is NSA guy and ek is BND...
So... opening a LN channel directly to SN node, with your private node and using it back and forth for zapping posts on SN, is not making that a public information?
Instead... use decoy custodial (disposable) wallets to deposit or withdraw from SN (if is necessary) and you will not link your private nodes with that...
just saying, mastering lightning is not easy, but when you know how to do it, is really powerful.