Hey all, dropping by for a quick update from the last AMA post I made earlier this week, where I opened the floor to the SN community for feedback on the recent AMA flow.
Huge thanks to everyone who left ideas, I think we got some excellent stuff here that I can't wait to drill into as we continue growing AMAs into a major driver of Stacker News fun and growth!
Here are a few of the highlights I gleaned:
  • More devs, projects, companies, and founders. Love it. Like I said in my last post, please bombard me with recommendations in these realms, I'm not the most technical person so I don't know the developer community nearly as well as I know many of you do! (And if you have someone's contact info who you think would be a good fit, have them shoot me an email directly so we can get it set up: ben@stacker.news)
  • More guests on topics completely outside of Bitcoin/LN/Nostr. Some that were recommended: Health/diet, AI, energy, and misc. other topics from top territories. Unlike my lack of grasp on the developer field as mentioned above...I DO have a strong network in the health/diet world, so I will definitely be diving into those contacts I've gained through my podcast to see who's interested in coming on! As for those others, I'll do some digging to find some potential names, but again, spam me with ideas for people you'd most like to see
  • Schedule out beyond a week so we can do more promotion on SNL. Definitely feel you here @grayruby @Car, I will start booking further out so y'all can work your magic on getting the word out before launch day!
Thanks again everyone for all the great feedback, and if there's anything else you want to throw out there, drop a comment below, or feel free to reach out to me directly via my SN email: ben@stacker.news!
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50 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 26 Sep
Good point. I try to stay on top of things here but I have been taken by surprise more than once.
Schedule out beyond a week so we can do more promotion on SNL. Definitely feel you here @grayruby @Car, I will start booking further out so y'all can work your magic on getting the word out before launch day!
Me too. I missed a couple good ones.
Great update, Ben! Love how you're incorporating feedback to improve the AMAs and expand beyond Bitcoin/LN/Nostr. Excited to see your health/diet network come into play. Planning ahead for promotion is a smart move can't wait to see how Stacker News grows!
71 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 26 Sep
Thanks @benwehrman for all the hard work, I will start sending intros to your email address if that works for you on the AMA front.