We are talking about experienced node operators or limited end users? NWC connections are really cool in this case and Alby is offering a simple UI for those backends.
Not everybody should run Alby Hub and not everybody should run phoenixd or LND... I think Alby Hub is just offering all flavors for all tastes.
NWC connections
I guess it would be worth setting up Alby Hub if that's the best way to configure Nostr Wallet Connect. Do all of the back-end nodes support NWC?
I don't think is about support for NWC by the backends. NWC is something built on top of any node and do not require any specific code for the LN implementation in order to be supported. Is more about the easy way for a newbie to get a working NWC wallet for his nostr zaps and many other LN apps out there.
Alby wanted to get rid of the custodial accounts used by all these noobs and I think that this Alby Hub come to help them all to get rid of custodial accounts, but also offering more expanded options with different backends.
They could easily just integrated LDK or even Greenlight and the user not even had to do all the setups. Will be just click-and-play and that's it.
But instead of that, they choose to offer more options and that is excellent choice IMHO.