I am as free as I want to be- much freer than most people ~ who choose to be slaves.
The sad reality is most people do not want to be free because its hard work.
In terms of the state - the nation state is the geographical collective of people who act under collective rules and compete with other aggregations of people- they are the largest organised groups of people with a common territory and as such naturally compete against other groups. Thinking you can discard that structure which has been at play since DNA and life began is naive.
Yes the state is a cage but also a protective and nurturing structure. If you discard it you will be easy prey to the nearest despot. You live in a nation state that has been largely successful in gaining resource wealth and hegemony over other peoples and territories- you are taking that fact and reality for granted.
306 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 18h
the nation state is the geographical collective of people who act under collective rules and compete with other aggregations of people
No, you are wrong. And I will explain it to you with another 2 simple images:
People chose to live in the nation state for its protection and wealth. People flock to more wealthy nations for the opportunities they offer. Yes you surrender some freedom in any organisation but you also gain strength in numbers.
Libertarians are naive in the extreme in thinking that you could be secure living outside of any organised power structure capable of defending you against predatory external organised groups.
Yes nation states can be characterised as legitimised mafia protection rackets- but most people accept the benefits are greater than the costs.