I received this email today:
Thank you for being on our waitlist! We are thrilled to announce that Predyx is officially live! You now have access to our powerful prediction platform with seamless Lightning Network integration. It’s time to dive in and make your predictions count.
Predict Now and Win Big!
What you get with Predyx:
⚡ Real-time market predictions ⚡ Lightning-fast payouts with the Lightning Network ⚡ Micro-predictions with sats ⚡ Compete with users worldwide
Hey @ek, Thanks for sharing!
I'm the co-founder of Predyx and I'm here to answer any questions SN folks might have.
117 sats \ 3 replies \ @ken 2h
Hi! Not sure where to report a bug:
I had 500 sats in my cash balance, and when I tried to buy a position, it debited the sats from my cash but didn't add the position to my portfolio.
Otherwise, great concept!
Thanks for reporting the bug - I've noted it down, it seems payment from internal wallet is failing for some users. Our developers just went to sleep after a long day. We will fix it as soon as they wake up. Meanwhile if you want to continue playing, please use external wallets to pay for the bets. Please let me know which market was this for, and we will either refund you or issue shares of that market.
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @ken 2h
Awesome, thanks for looking into it! I was trying to buy 450 sats on the yes side of "Bitcoin above $60,000 on October 25?"
Shares are fine, since we both know that bitcoin is going to be above $60,000 on October 25th :D
Great, we will promptly issue you 450 shares of "Bitcoin above $60,000 on October 25?" as soon as any of the devs wake up.
Yes its an easy market we created so that people can have fun in the early days :)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 1h
How long have you been working on this and with how many devs?
When and how did you get the initial idea for Predyx?
We've been working on Predyx since December last year, just 2 devs including me. I do DevOps and a CEO. Just three of us.
Site looks great but I was only able to bet 100 sats on any outcome. Anytime I tried to bet more I got an error message saying "could not find event outcome" or something to that effect.
143 sats \ 19 replies \ @OT 3h
This is cool!
I have someone on nostr that wants to bet me on the results of the US election. Maybe we can just use this instead.
I just bet on both Kamala and Trump to lose. There was an arbitrage opportunity, so I'm guaranteed to win some sats.
67 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 3h
Interesting. The spreads look pretty close. Hope you bet big!
What does the platform take BTW?
I didn't. I just thought it was funny.
Its 0% fee for now. We will add fees in Release 2.
Yes, you can for sure arbitrage in the initial stage. Markets are very thinly traded for now. Have fun!
I will. I also made a real prediction that the Chiefs won't win the Super Bowl.
Awesome! I see it :) Thanks for supporting us!
This is awesome! We've been wanting something like it for a long time (looking at you @ek).
@ek runs Delphi.Markets right?
If you can call it that.
I really like giving ek shit, don't read anything into it.
137 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 1h
Yes, but it's a thing I have talked about for almost a year now with not much to show for it. But at least you heard about it, haha
But there's also been some more talk between me, @itsTomekK and friends about prediction markets on nostr with my NIP from last year as inspiration.1
As much as it hurts me to miss out on being the first lightning-native prediction market, your site looks great and it's really exciting to see prediction markets on lightning becoming more and more of a thing. I especially like that you're planning to let users generate markets. I also had this in mind. Congratulations to shipping! Not everybody gets so far.
I tried to search for my prediction about prediction markets becoming the next big thing in bitcoin this cycle but I only found this:
Once you understand what prediction markets make possible, you go to bed each night with anxiety, feeling chronically short of prediction markets.
  1. Wow, that NIP is from May 11 2023! Time flies.
230 sats \ 2 replies \ @ken 2h
The odds on these markets are not properly set. Lots of opportunities here.
Chiefs win Super Bowl 2025? currently has roughly 50:50 odds. Clearly the chance of any single team winning the Super Bowl is less than 50%.
Yes its an early market! We didn't want to set the odds. We will let the market decide which way it wants to take it.
Yep, that's the other one I took.
Soon in Release 2, you'll be able to create your own private market and only you and your invited friends can bet.
For now, please request any markets that you'd like to be created for you and your friends, it'll be public market though.
This email just doxxed mad email addresses😂
62 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek OP 1h
haha true
There was another stacker.news address next to mine. I wondered what was that about. Did they think their LN address can receive email when they submitted that?
I have no clue @mega_dreamer what happened? How yall just doxx a bunch of emails. All you had to do was BCC such a rookie mistake
Hey, really sorry it happened. It was one of us who made this big blunder.
We panicked because our Azure Email System was having an issues. Thus one of us used the proton mail to send mail manually to everyone. And accidentally sent mass CC emails instead of BCC.
Predyx is subsidiary of MegaSats, INC.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek OP 1h
Oh, I think the official mail used BCC. I received two, the other one from proton.me didn't.
Yes, it was in the panic mode. We kicked off the bulk mail Azure Communication Service. But some how the code got stuck and became unresponsive due to a temp outage on Azure, but it went into their queue. We waited until 20-30 mins but did not receive any blast emails thus panicked and tried to send it manually via our mail provider i.e. proton and picked the wrong send from address and CC'd. Shame on us! We will be more mindful of this, a big lesson learnt.
This looks pretty cool. I'll check it out later.
100 sats \ 9 replies \ @grayruby 2h
Pretty nice but won't let me bet more than 100 sats on any outcome.
it might be a bug, which market are you trying to bet on?
I tried to bet on a number of the US election ones. Sorry, I message you in another comment.
Let me try again and see if I can get you some more info.
yes I've been everywhere today. I created an issue tracker on GH, just in case I miss answering anyone: https://github.com/PREDYX/bug-tracker/issues
All good. Really like the site. I am sure all the bug will be worked out. Can you create some additional sports markets?
yes I will create, please suggest. Right now we can only do Binomial (YES/NO)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 1h
MLB Playoffs coming up. Maybe world series outcome. One for the Yankees, Phillies and Dodgers.
Sure I will create it on the weekend or as soon as we get a handle on our bugs :)
Just tried to bet on the "another debate" market. I tried 200 sats and it said "prediction not valid" and then when I exited out it said "we couldn't find the outcome"
Duly noted, It will be fixed!