"I am accused by the German authorities of spreading pro-Nazi propaganda. I’m accused of doing this because I posted two Tweets challenging the official Covid narrative and comparing the new, nascent form of totalitarianism it has brought into being — the so-called “New Normal” — to Nazi Germany."
I hate Reddit cuz I’m always getting banned saying shit like that where’s the free speech?
Germany's always been like this. India is also the same. If you go against the government, be ready to find yourself in a court at least.
The Swastika is also a religious symbol in Hinduism. I never liked the Nazi being associated with it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika
I always tell my boys if they choose one thing they should choose kindness
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 2 Oct
'consentfactory' kind of sums up the suffocating stench succinctly.
I hate hatespeech haters.
You know, I loathe those who hate hatespeech hater haters.
Streisand effect at work here, thank you to SN for relaying this news and to the German authorities for fighting so hard against CJ Hopkins, giving me a good reason to dig deeper into his work
Your story is surprising, my friend @siggy47, how they have made you look like a criminal just for expressing your opinion and your way of seeing the world. When we know that our freedom of expression has been stolen from us, we know that everything is wrong.
This isn't about me. It just makes me angry.
I'd like to see these tweets. Not that anyone should be in court over this but so often we are told how terrible something is but never shown for ourselves.
Its intentionally done to build a narrative. Over and over the same thing.
The German government has become what they claim to oppose. Totalitarianism. When your people cannot call out a government, when the government can squelch criticism you are entering a scary state of affairs.
The truth is, far to many people are all to happy to lord over people they don't like. People that are different. It's sick but true. We aren't really taught that the villians usually think they are the good guys. It's what makes them so sure of themselves.
The internet companies have proven the internet is not about free speech. The freedom of the press has also shown, lately, to be not so free since the presses are in the employ of places like Amazon.
There is no need to hate. That which we resist, persists.
If that's the only reason, this new normal is simply insane!
It is the only reason -- you can see the tweets themselves in his earlier post here.
Wouldn't that be anti-nazi propaganda?
These covid authoritarians are acting like Nazis. Nazis are bad. Therefore these covid authoritarians are bad.. ?