There are many things you didn't mention here, to be able to give you the correct diagnostic:
  • you open a private or public channel
  • how did you open it? buying it from or simply searching Olympus in any LN explorer and open a channel towards that node with your onchain funds? Usually Olympus is offering also inbound liquidity when you buy a channel and you can customize your outbound liquidity too.
  • being a new node, the first channel open take time until is well known in the whole LN graph. So have more patience or open 1-2 more channels with different peers.
  • do not open channels lower than 500k if is private channel and lower than 3M sats if is public. Read my guides to find out why.
If the answer is the LN is not yet optimized for a user like me
I think is the way around: YOU are the one not prepared for LN. You need to read more and test more.