Hey frens,
At Geyser we are powering Bitcoin creators to change the world through Bitcoin crowdfunding.
We love Stacker News, zapathons, and power Bitcoin and Nostr ideas into existence.
this territory is moderated
Super excited about the Nostr booth initiative you guys are running, plus the billboards going up across Brazil from what I've seen in your Nostr posts!
Question: What are some long-term goals for the Nostr-adoption campaigns you guys are helping fund, and what are some ways you envision these campaigns will enrich the Nostr ecosystem outside of the onboarding of new users?
We love Nostr. And indeed, lot's of great Nostr initiatives indeed.
One thing I'm excited about is people recognizing that Bitcoin, Nostr and Geyser are open systems and that anyone with a great idea can just go on here and help fund it. All these nostr initiatives arose from spontaneous action from the community, and the community made those ideas happen.
What we'd love to see is this spontaneous continuing to flourish throughout the space and infect newby builders, educators, creatives to know that this is possile!
Thank you for contributing to these great initiatives. They would not be possible without your support! ❤️
We're also really excited about seeing the entire Nostr ecosystem come together and through Geyser fund these great initiatives. It's truly inspiring and we're lucky to be playing this important role.
Why did you name it Geyser? What's the story behind naming it so?
@steliosats and I were throwing words around and Stelios brought it up and we loved it. I liked the fresh and different branding to it, the fact that it's associated to a natural resource, and the fact that it's this powerful display of kinetic energy that happens when there is a strong power projecting it, just like crowdfunding campaigns that go viral and everyone notices them and they have massive impact
Geyser is all about bringing ideas to life, and getting support from your community. It's about transforming potential energy into kinetic energy. We thought geysers was a great representation of that.
Would you crowdfund "A World Travel on Motorbike" for spreading Bitcoin and Lightning Education?
We don't crowdfund, creators do! :) Geyser is an open platform.
If you mean, would we help funded, I'm sure the Bitcoin/Geyser community would love to!
Let us know if you want to chat and get started. You can dm us on X!
Thank you so much 😊 I'll chat with you. Are you open for chat 24 hours?
Hey, I'm Mick. Let's give it a shot in US-morning?
Thanks, I'll do it.
What are some of the resources you'd throw at someone, who's not technically advanced, to orange pile them?
What BTC and Non BTC books do you recommend to the BItcoiners?
BTC Books:
  • The bitcoin/fiat standard
  • The creature from Jekyll island
  • Layered Money
  • Would like to start: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve
  • what are non-BTC Books ? :P
What type of ideas you're sure GEYSER wouldn't fund at all?
You mean we could not fund or, ideas that are just bad?
There are bad ideas, I won't lie, but if you don't try and improve you'll never know :)
Apart from Bitcoin, what differentiates Geyser from other crowdfunding platforms?
I'm looking for novel things you guys are trying.
What are your thoughts on Cashu and Fedimints?
How do you deal with jurisdictional regulations regarding the charity projects you host?
We don't operate in sanctioned countries and we recently limited our ability to reach certain countries in sensitive conflict zones. For funding in these areas we recommend using more censorship resistant, self-hosted solutions.
Yes, the current situation is why I asked.
What are some lesser-known Geyser projects you feel deserve more love/attention?
We recently had a Grant partnership with Bitcoin Thailand Conference, which was a blast. We had over 20 new project spawn from it, and so many interesting Bitcoin initiatives we'd never heard about!
did you encounter any major technical and/or legal challenges while developing the platform? if so, how did you overcome them?
what were the lowest and highest points in the journey building Geyser?
Hi, I'm new to Bitcoin, I've recently started my journey, yes I've heard of Nost,Geyser I thought was an excellent initiative.
Very interesting work, thank you for everything.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 11 Oct
I have to admit that I once donated 1m sats to a project seconds before the countdown was over so other projects don’t have time to catch up. The project basically gained another 1m sats because my donation secured them a spot at the top so they received a lot more from the pool.
Would you consider this to be gaming / unfair play? If so, is there something that can be done against this?
For non-technical bitcoiners, which areas do you think need the most focus and attention for better development of Bitcoin?
For email registration, can I only use Gmail or can I also use other more private emails like tuta-mail or proton-mail? Thank you in advance and apologies if this is the second or more times you have answered this question.
Email login is coming very soon, and you'll be able to use whichever email you like.
Love the excitement! What excites you most about Geyser in the upcoming year?
Best project to be funded through your platform?
Best is subjective!
But for the most funded you can check out our leaderboard: https://geyser.fund/leaderboard
Maybe our founders: @steliosats and @metamick can give their take ;)
In your three opinions which projects are you most proud of maybe instead of “best”
Some that I am really proud of include:
  1. https://geyser.fund/project/bushidoofbitcoin: a great book I'm looking to read
  2. https://geyser.fund/project/maxisclub: a beautiful comic anime cartoon of Maxis Club
  3. https://geyser.fund/project/heroofbitcoin: super cool bitcoin game for Gameboy
Are you still using fiat money in your daily life?
At Geyser we do operate a very slim fiat account, and proud of that ;)
Unfortunately I do still operate some fiat for things like rent, etc. How about you?
I live fully on BTC, from 2018. No more fiat or bank accounts.
based mfer!
What is a "Bitcoin circular economy" for you? How would you describe it or achieve it?
A group of people, business, and institutions exchanging/trading with each other using Bitcoin as money. This starts with a community that is self-sustaining and paying their employees in Bitcoin.
Can you describe 3 worst case scenarios, where / how Bitcoin will NOT succeed ?
  1. Regulatory capture: adding such a degree of red tape that it makes it impossible for the bitcoin ecosystem to arise, and for builders to build on Bitcoin.
  2. Lightning capture: regulating the lightning custodians and then stealing their assets
  3. Nuclear war: psychopaths in power fucking humanity up.
This said, this is jurisdictional-dependent. there will be places that will be open for business with Bitcoin.
Regulations apply only for gov money (fiat) not for Bitcoin. Why do you think Bitcoin should fall under their laws?
How do you foresee the crowdfunding model to evolve when the Bitcoin price starts rocketing? Do you expect a lot more people will start donating to cool projects when that happens since the total upside for BTC price-rise has been reduced?
Great question! I think so: as Bitcoin goes up Bitcoiners are richer and more likely to donate to projects doing good for the Bitcoin ecosystem!
the 4% fee is kind of steep. I'd like more store options for merch/goods (multiple pictures per item).
Multiple pictures per item is coming this week! What else would you like to see?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10 Oct
How have your expectations of lightning changed since launching geyser?
Nice question!
Our main thesis of Lightning being the transactional layer of the creator economy still stands. We have not seen major adoption yet, but the infrastructure is developing and the broader wallet/bank adoption is taking place - albeit, slower than expected. We are bullish of Neobanks adopting lightning in the coming months/years and bringing hundreds of millions of users into the ecosystem.
The major positive surprise was the way Nostr came together bringing together socials and lightning in such a beautiful way. We expected that would happen, but not at this scale and rapidity.
What hasn't changed in any meaningful way, but this may/will change, is the degree of regulatory questions arising in lightning, especially with MiCA coming up in the next years.
Smartest person you ever met?
It would definitely be K00b, if we had ever met him.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 11 Oct
Most charming person you met?
What future geyser feature are you most excited about?
So many! Probably "Pools"
Pools are a bit like SN Territories, in that anyone can create a Pool and curate their favorite projects on Geyser and projects can apply to be part. This is a cool use case for organizing projects of similar types, and allowing the community to do so. This will help Bitcoin Film Fest, for example, to curate all their certified Bitcoin films or Mi Primer Bitcoin to verify all their NodeNetwork nodes.
Another big one is Credit Card payments. Imagine if you could pay a campaign with credit cards, and the funds are swapped over and sent to a user's lightning address!
Final one is Memberships, which can flip subscriptions on their head. Rather than asking for people to send funds on a monthly basis (who wants to do that, ugh) to get access to a community. Creators on Geyser could create membership plan based on how much each user had sent on Geyser. So they can create exclusive hidden content, give special discounts to those who enter those tiers.
Ok finally, since you ask, one more: Heroes. Heroes are users who are sharing a project and enabling transactions to happen. We use referral codes, so that any Geyser user sharing any project could become a hero. We then create a leaderboard tracking the top Heroes. No monetary benefit just pure signaling and recognition. After all, Heroes help Bitcoin Adoption happen faster! We lov'em!
Lot's to BUIDL.
Another big one is Credit Card payments. Imagine if you could pay a campaign with credit cards, and the funds are swapped over and sent to a user's lightning address!
That means you will continue to sustain fiat system, its existence. Also you are putting yourself under gov pressure using a fiat on-ramp. That means KYC bullshit.
I think this will be a mistake. Bitcoin ONLY! Push people to use Bitcoin and not fiat.
We are using a third party that takes care of it. They require KYC only above $1k.
Fiat is converted to lightning, so actually we're helping bring more liquidity into lightning. So, very good for Bitcoin
If you keep comfortable the payer with his shity VISA cards, they will never get onto Bitcoin....