This morning I tried making a positive and negative post to see what gets the Cowboys of SN fired up on Sunday morning. Unsurprisingly, it’s negativity that stirs up the cyber hornets nest.
I started with a post in ~BooksAndArticles encouraging people to subscribe to my referral @21Futures. A genuine request since he is a prolific writer, editor, and reviewer. Why I subscribed to posts from @21futures and you should to. That post got 384 sats zapped, and the total zaps from comments was 1295. The single comment with the most sats zapped was from @siggy47 who said something positive as well got 787 sats. “No restrictions on whether it has been published before. Others have already. I don't enforce many rules here“ #721421
The real controversy was my clickbait in ~Bitcoin which you’ll only see now if you have “Wild West Mode” on or you directly click this link. “Why I muted posts from @DarthCoin and you should to.” #721385
So the takeaway is that as the op I actually only earned 147 sats after all the downzaps. So I definitely won’t post clickbait again 😅 But look who got rewarded for calling out clickbait early! Both @IAmSingle got 1222 sats #721392 and @Satosora got 1111 sats! #721416
And of course I had to troll @Darthcoin and zap him 1000 sats myself cuz he hates when ppl don’t listen to him and spend their sats wisely :P #721419
So there you have it. Here in these parts pardner, clickbait does get outlawed, and you’ll be rewarded handsomely with zaps if you call it out early. The SN ethos of putting sats where your mouth is successfully filters out the noise. And all before I could finish eating my bacon and eggs for breakfast!
@Undisciplined wrote up a couple great posts about downzapping:
Punishment is a Public Good: #619793 Incentivizing Downzapping: #621288
I wonder if SN can offer you a way to see how many downvotes you got, based on how much others they waste their sats...
again, they do not pay attention to my posts... a single sat is a downvote too
btw, they didn't understand your test and fun... putting SN algo at intensively testing is a must and you will make k00b happy.
Does @k00b appreciate my testing? For @ek I think he genuinely was like oh no not clickbait!! 😂
they will appreciate anything that is bringing sats to SN.... just think about that.
try also donating every day 100 or 1000 or 10000 sats to SN pool. Just go to and donate every day something. You will see another magic happening....
Ok I will try it, just donated. I'll wait for the magic 🔮🪄✨🧝‍♀️
I did the same
@ek is there a way to see either downvotes or upvotes?
Lmao @DarthCoin you’d of course consider it a waste to downzap too! Are the only sats you ever spend the ones required to post or reply?
I didn't downvote any of your posts... only upvote with some sats, like this one. I am very rarely downvote, only real spammers and idiot shitcoiners. But my sats will go only to those that deserve them.
agree, I rarely downzap. I only waste sats on something I find SUPER offensive (free speech and all that). I did not downzap you @realBitcoinDog. I'm not a snowflake lol
btw... downzapping are sats that comes back to you... All sats from downzapping are going to SN pool, that in the end comes back to you in rewards.
Thank you for saying I was deserving of your sats!! Uh oh. Does this mean I’m embracing the dark side of the Bitcoin force?
  1. Darth NEVER embraced the dark side of the force... Darth was the chosen one to bring The balance into The Force. Please watch again the whole saga and pay attention. Darth was manipulated and fooled to join Palpatine...
  2. My sats are deserved by all those that have reason, logic, are not statists, and are on the Bitcoin side. Sometimes more, sometimes just as an attention.... depends.
Another clickbait. Trying to send stackers to your outlawed post. ;)
Thanks for the mention, though.
I don't think so. I think OP is genuinely trying /testing SN algo in all different ways. And that is a good thing. There are many other clickbait posts on SN that almost nobody (except maybe me) were commenting about...
I know I was just pulling his leg. He's surely doing something that's not been done before.
rip off his leg! hahahaha
I think his one leg is already ripped off for his post got outlawed. I don't want to take away his lame ability to entertain you with experiments.
the one leg man that became a crawling zombie... 😂😂😂😂😂😂
LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The reason it’s so fun messing with SN is I feel like we own it like we’re a part of it because it’s FOSS and @k00b and @ek and 1100 active stackers. It’s a magical time.
It’s nothing like corporate Reddit or Twitter or the vast pit of “GM Breakfast” pictures on Nostr.
Woah woah woah hey this isn’t clickbait this is some genuine ~meta analysis! 😈
Congrats on your sats!
Honestly both posts were successful because they promoted me to zap. So you can give yourself a pat on the shoulder for getting Sensei’s zaps!
By the way why is it cryotosensei and not cryptosensei?
How can you tell who benefited from downzapping and how much they benefited?
downzaps go into the pool, don't they?
This is why @DarthCoin told me to donate to the rewards pool, so I’ll still get the zaps! 🤣
How deliciously evil
That's not how it works.
How does something get outlawed? Is it if it gets downzapped enough?
if more stackers are downzapping. Now I don't know exactly which is the threshold amount of sats.
Interesting to know. I dont see the outlawed stuff, so l guess they just disappear for me.
Correct by default we have “tenderfoot” mode on and not “Wild West” mode
These are the not frequently asked, but deep dive questions we want answered! Can we find it in the FOSS code for ourselves?
many stackers here are using SN without even knowing many tricks and features.... sad.
Can we find it in the FOSS code for ourselves?
For sure... if you know where to look for.
yes that's correct