Yeah, those ones.
If you think Bitcoin won't work with them, then you don't think Bitcoin will work.
Do you think betting with sats on US elections is moral?
Why wouldn't it be? Don't sats belong to whoever holds their keys?
What moral principle would dictate that you can't wager them?
you can do whatever you want with your sats as long is not affecting others. Morality prevail. And sovereign individuals knows very well what is moral and what is not.
Is betting on US elections affecting others (not that I agree with that as a principle)?
There's no victim of making wagers on things like that.
Is betting on US elections affecting others
TOTALLY! You are underestimating the evil forces, trying to manipulate all social media and clueless voters...
There's no victim of making wagers on things like that.
Wrong. You and me are the main victims. THINK AGAIN. You US people are so fucking easy to be manipulated... so fucking easy, that you can't even imagine.
I bet you 1000 sats that you can't define "victim" in a way that makes sense of your statement without justifying a totalitarian police state.
I bet you never lived in a totalitarian state to know what you are talking about... Please do not tell me what is a "totalitarian regime"... I survived 20 years of that bullshit. Did you? You have no fucking idea what is a totalitarian regime, yet you are posting all days mises articles but NEVER ever apply them. Why? Because you are a fucking US pussy scared to take control of your life and hide yourself behind theories.
I figured you couldn't.
And, no, I have never lived in a totalitarian police state. See how easy it is to answer a question when you aren't just spouting off nonsense?
The nature of money is that one ultimately wins out. If Bitcoin can't do it, then it will go the way of seashells and shiny rocks.