My Lilygo T- Echo arrived today. Next step is to get Meshtastic loaded, then I need to see if I'm the only lo-ra guy in the area.
My goal is to complete a bitcoin transaction ota. I have a lot to learn.
I like how you always find new things to preoccupy yourself with 💪
It's called retirement. I hate golf.
It's gives us complete privacy and security. Right?
Good question. I'll tell you when I know😀 I'm thinking of it more as capability when there's no internet for whatever reason.
Certainly not the Siggy way!


No, this is definitely my way. I jump in knowing nothing, and learn about the thing later.
You told me yesterday about 'all in or nothing', I've connected it to that but I realise that was for something else.
I do the same btw.
Real-time learning is much more engaging. How can you send/receive Bitcoin even if you're not connected to the internet with your mobile phone? Does someone on the network just need to provide internet?
I don't know the details, but I believe there have already been transactions through radio. Ham operators have done it.
There is an experience in Africa using USSD code with non-smart mobile phones.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 14 Oct
I would not consider Meshtastic encryption secure or private just yet after reading over this Meshtastic Encryption.
The TLDR is that while comms are encrypted they can be captured (since messages are relayed) and then the encryption can be attacked offline in the future. Its called the "Harvest now, Decrypt later" attack. I'm a noob but will share what I learn here as well.
Thanks for the info.
Actually, every message is encrypted. I have begun the learning process.
Super duper cool! Back to the old ways in a new way.
Hey, I just ordered a meshtastic radio as well. One of the wismesh-pocket. We apparently have a group of folks using these local to me. Got connected with them.
Cool goal. That would be pretty cool. I don't know enough yet to know how hard that is or if it is feasible.
Your knowledge will probably leapfrog mine quickly. Let me know how it goes. I welcome any and all tips.
I'm hoping to learn quick due to the local community. The group is kinda new but I believe they will be having a meetup in November. Should get my first radio this week.
I have long wanted a easier comms tool I can teach family to use to reach each other when other channels are down. As this seems to be gaining in growth this looks like a good option to me. No license required. Uses your existing phone. I have high hopes.
How's it going with your setup?
Pulled my radio up about 55 feet yesterday to see if I could hit some more nodes. No luck. Gonna need a higher powered antenna. Have recieved some messages when guys with nodes in planes fly over. Connected to some nodes over 3 hours away.
I'm learning but looking forward to a meetup with other folks. Hopefully next month. No other mesh people in my rural community yet but there are several within 30 miles. If I can get a node up high enough I am hoping I can connect.
I have a buddy with access to a tower in a city 20/miles away. Hoping he will be willing to stick a solar powered node on it for me.
How is it going with your setup?
I tried the linux advice you gave and finally quit trying. I got the firmware easily loaded with my wife's windows laptop. I also live in a rural area, so I didn't see any contacts. I'm thinking of running a pole off my roof, but I didn't break the news to my wife yet.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 21 Oct
I'd suggest driving around with it and see if you can find some other nodes too.
Yes. I will do that first. I was only playing around with it for a short time. Have you played around with different antennas? As a ham I became addicted to baofeng handhelds and was amazed at improvements from correctly tuned aftermarket antennas.
Question for you @siggy47 - is actually getting and setting up one of these devices the only way to see if there are other broadcasters in the area? Or might there be a way to check, before buying one?
This might help, but I don't know how useful or updated it is:
Machankura is a great idea. @anita posch has been talking about it for a few years. The difference, of course, is you need cell service, but it's definitely a great solution.
Very cool. Will wait for updates about experience.
Super cool! Please keep us posted on how it goes!
I will. I'm busy now, so it will probably take a little while before I have anything worthwhile to share.
Very cool! Do you have a local partner to transact bitcoin with, as I understand these radios are very short range?
If you get it to work, maybe the next step is to get a HAM license and begin broadcasting bitcoin OTA for true uncensorable financial freedom! (And teach the rest of us how to do it :)
I actually am a ham operator, or I was until my license expired. I don't like the government control and licensing of the ham networks. You're right that Lora radios are short range, but the network effect can extend that. I still have all my hf radios, but there's no reason you can't send bitcoin through the lora radios also.
We are waiting for you...
Yes they are. The dogs too. Now we have a few possum
I look forward to trying this as well. Is this the best device to get started with the mesh network?
The best depends on your situation. The Lilygo T-echo is fairly inexpensive and it is a complete device. You can spend less money and build your own. The Lilygo T-Deck is nice since you don't need to pair it with another device. It has a keyboard and larger screen. The drawback is short battery life. I will probably get that as my second device, since I have a feeling I will be learning by messaging myself at the beginning.
Thank you for the detailed information. 😊
Wow, I was just thinking about putting mesh networking on my to-do list. Would be interested in a blow-by-blow description of how it's all working out, especially how many other users you find out there.
That's my biggest fear. I'll buy a second radio and message myself some bitcoin.
Just like you, I also have a lot to learn. It's very inspiring to see others who are more advanced than me, still learning things. That motivates me to follow in their footsteps and learn more about Bitcoin every day.
What is Bitcoin OTA? I have recently started my journey in Bitcoin.
Oh, that just means over the air. Really not a bitcoin term. I meant creating a transaction without the internet.
What does it do?
It's kind of like a low powered ham radio that operates on unregulated frequencies, so there are no licensing issues.
Very cool.
43 sats \ 4 replies \ @Taft 13 Oct
Forgive my ignorance, but what is this for?
It's a low power, low range radio transceiver. Meshtastic networks are being set up for local communication. Each radio is a node on the network, so in theory as more people join the network, the range will expand beyond line of site. You connect your radio to your phone through bluetooth. It substitutes for a cell or internet connection.
I'm no expert. I may have got things wrong. More knowledgeable people can explain it better.
I'll make a more detailed post when I learn more and get up and running.
Forgive my ignorance, friend @siggy47, what are Meshtastic networks? I find this team amazing, thank you for sharing such valuable information.
Basically, it's radio firmware that is used in a network of radio nodes to create wider coverage. Each radio is low powered, inexpensive, and limited, but as the network grows the nodes expand the range.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 13 Oct
That's fantastic! Love that.
While Bitcoin, being a low-bandwidth network, can function perfectly well without the internet, the possibilities of transacting bitcoin without an internet connection are little studied and even less documented.