... because it already exists.
For most people, your money is in a BANK. The bank has a ledger of every single transaction you've made with your credit/debit card (because who uses cash anymore?). If they want to, not only can they find out exactly what you've purchased at a particular vendor, but they can also find out what you look like since most businesses have cameras.
Sure, they could make an even more trackable digital currency, but the fact of the matter is that what most people fear with regards to a CBDC already exists. You'd be better off using Bitcoin or cash and keeping as little of your cash out of the bank as possible.
I see your take on it, but its too simplistic...
I've experienced the "bank version of CBCDs" already, it was one of the main reasons why I walked away from it all in 2020.
But also I remember well when no one cared, nor ever checked what was going on with your account!
The same was the case here, until recently... When all of a sudden they started updating ID and rules for bank accounts I instantly knew all the freedom that was totally normal until then would be gone within years, and we're close to that now.
Will some jurisdiction have their banks return to something sane? Maybe, but I won't ever bet on it...
Oh well, this is what Bitcoin is for! And also bank accounts if I need fiat, abuse and maybe loose haha!
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 11h
dude, the CBDC is not a financial currency only, it's religion, governance, and various allowances (permissions, rations) all-in-one. completely different beast from the current model, and citizens are sleep-walking right into this nightmare.
The fear comes from the constant barrage of propaganda that came from MSM. I cannot blame the masses for going with the flow. CBDC should be feared but the old system that Bitcoin replaced in 2009 is the system that we should be fearing.
I do not fear for CBDCs... I fear for those morons that comply with them
The level of silliness is off the charts. I totally agree. CBDC is just a rebranding of a failure that they label as money.
1 sat \ 0 replies \ @nym 14h
I agree. It’s just a trap.
I agree, cbdc is already here. They can freeze your account, stop you from purchasing certain items/products, stop certain transfers and other shenanigans. I use cash. What happens when it's full-on cbdc and cash is fazed out? Where do we get cash from? Usually an atm. Unless you withdraw all your cash and keep it in your home, which is not safe for a lot of people, you're looking at full surveillance. Pretty much nobody and almost no businesses accept bitcoin or other crypto in the country I live. So I don't think it's silly that ppl worry about cbdc
Just use xmr and a tin foil hat and you're set