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    • 2969 stacked \ 9312 spent \ 3 posts \ 9 comments \ October 17, 2022
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  • #286022 on What technology do you REFUSE to adopt?
    • 1213 sats \ 5 replies \ @siggy47 \ October 17, 2023
      An obvious one for everybody here: [...]
  • #82553 on Meme Monday - Best Bitcoin Meme Gets 10,000 Sats
  • #3524 on What does Stagflation do to Bitcoin?
    • 82 sats \ 0 replies \ @cozy \ October 17, 2021
      Interesting, especially for myself. I live in Japan where stagflation has ruled for ages. I think that since 1971 the long term ramifications of stabilizing the global economy using the petro-dollar is reduced global innovation do to the incentivizing static innovation (innovation that favors stasis, faux-novation). Japan LOVES stasis, they don't want anything to change and they will use the latest technology to preserve their way of life. This is fine, for protecting traditions and stuff, but humans need and want to grow--which is why so many Japanese are depressed and don't have kids. Why have kids, that's scary and dangerous and they are hard to control. Education here makes everyone so obedient. No need for mandates or lockdowns (there were none here) when people do whatever they are told by the news commentators. This sort of thing is coming to the whole world, stagflation, lower birth rates, suicides go up--because the leaders are incentivized by the public, whom they scared to get into office, to use instruments that people are unaware of to control them: money. Why force people to do things when you can guide them like sheep. Money is the Shepard dog of the current era. This is all pretty abstract and not the best explanation, but in terms of the article I think there are a lot of similarities with my argument. Anyway, Bitcoin breaks that cycle. [...]

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