My neighborhood has had a few instances of people driving up & down our (dead end) street. This morning, a suspicious individual parked in my driveway about 30 minutes after I left for work. My pregnant wife and 1-year-old daughter were inside.
I'd ideally like to avoid something like Ring because I've not heard good privacy talk about it. Is there anything else that might be worthwhile? It would be nice if I could view it from an app on my phone, too.
190 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 4h
Take a look at eufy
They have island mode where there is no need for cloud connection to their service.
163 sats \ 0 replies \ @beorange 5h
Important rule: don't rely on anything that uses your home wi-fi network. It can easily be jammed.
go the synology or ubiquiti route if you want to self host in a user friendly way for other members in your house who don't want to fiddle
-unifi or synology networked video recorder in house -no external access to the video -glinet mini router hooked up to your network that hosts wireguard vpn or tailscale -to view security footage remotely you vpn into your house and then open the synology or ubiquiti recorder app
all data is self hosted and firewalled by your home router
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 5h
I'm curious about this too. If privacy is a big concern, I suspect self-hosting will be required as I doubt any retail system lets the property owner hold the encryption keys.
Are you fenced in? Get a dog (Rottweiler or Doberman) you will gain a friend and security agent :-)
attack emu's. a giant flock of them. also good for eggs
Wasn't start9 teasing something about home security earlier this year?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nichro 4h
There used to be Haven ( making apps for all matter of personal and property security, but it doesn't seem maintained anymore. I wonder if the project forked into something else or has a spiritual successor.
Note I've only used it sparingly long ago and it was very rough around the edges, depending on the use case. It's also possible my device at the time was just simply shit.