I just went through the ~health posts for the last month (using the recent tab)... none of them earned back the 1000 sat posting fee. Hope it'll play out differently for you~~
this territory is moderated
I posted in both ~health and ~libertarian fairly often, until the posting fee went to 1k. Now I'm boycotting.
I would think you would want posts in your territory. I'm not saying making the fee ridiculously low, but I would think you would want activity
Especially with the revised fee distribution. As an owner you benefit from a lot of activity in your territory...
I know. It's crazy
I don't know, but my market signal is having no effect.
I cannot lie. I just looked for an appropriate territory and didn't pay attention to the posting fee. When I noticed I was like "wtf?" Oh well. Live and learn. I'll look at it as a donation.
I've wanted to post a few times there as some of my ~science posts are more ~health-related, but always refrained because of that. Good way to look at it as a donation.
This is why low taxes equal plenty of revenue and high taxes equal desperate measures.
Honestly this has become a problem in a lot of the territories. I actively avoid posting in a lot of them now because I know I won’t even be able to break even. I know the fees have to be high enough to avoid spam but you would think you would want them low enough to encourage engagement too.